Chapter 47

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"Jacob!!" I walked downstairs, knowing that I'm about to get myself into something bad. "Wassup baby?" "Wassup?! You should already know! I had to go to the doctor by myself because your lazy ass didn't wake up! You just don't wanna know what happened right?!"

I raised my eyebrow. "You didn't tell me nothin about an appointment. I would have woke up." She rolled her eyes. "Yeah right!" "Aye, stop yelling at me. You gone-" "I can do whatever I want when you don't even remember something as simple as a doctor's appoint-" 

I frowned. "What you not gone do is sit here and cut me off. I'm fuckin talking to you and I'm tryna let you know that your ass never told me shit about a doctor's appointment. You know that I love my son, you and my daughter that's about to come so with all this bullshit you talking about me not even being there for the appointment. Tell me about it next time. I understand your hormones are fucked up or whatever, but don't cut me off and definitely don't fuckin yell at me about something I didn't know about." 

She looked up at me. "I'm... I'm sorry. I got out of hand." I nodded. "I know and you better get back in hand fore this baby comes. I don't wanna have to give you that act right." She stared at me. "That shit aint funny. Shut the fuck up." 

I gave her a hug. "We good now?" She shook her head. "No." She dropped her bag and walked upstairs. She went into our room sitting on the bed. Her whole body was laid out. "You're the biggest baby I know." She looked over at me before rolling her eyes back over to looking at the front of the room. 

I laid down next to her kissing her neck and all around her face. She softly smirked when I hit her weak spot, right behind her right ear. "I love you." She pushed my face away from her. "Yeah right, you love me..." 

"You know I love you." He said kissing my lips. "I'll never stop loving you." She stood up before falling down to her knees. "What the fuck?! Are you okay?"

She shook her head. "No, it feels like a contraction. But, it's a couple months too early." I frowned. "Come on... let's go now." She held onto her stomach as I picked her up. "Where's Kaden?" "Still with... Jessie." 

I nodded. "Alright." I took her downstairs and walked her out to the car. I put her in the front seat reclining the seat. Once I was done, I rushed to the front seat, hopping in and driving off. 

I heard her starting to breathe slower. "You good?" I nodded. "Yeah, I'm not in pain like that anymore." I nodded stepping on the gas harder. This is bizarre as fuck, but I just wanna know what's wrong with her.



"Baby, are you okay?" I nodded while crying. "I wanna know why this is happening." The doctor  walked in with a file with Lyric's name on it. "So, it does seem that you are in premature labor. Your baby is coming now. We're gonna have to put you in an emergency C-Section, but you'll be fine." 

I nodded. "But, what is this due to?" "Very high stress levels." I frowned looking over at Jacob. "Are you sure my baby is gonna be okay?" The doctor nodded. "She'll be fine and you will be to." 

At this point I'm not even worried about myself. I'm just worried about the baby. I rather her be okay than I be okay. I don't want to lose a child before anyone loses me. "We're gonna take you in in a little while." 

I nodded. "Okay, thank you." "No problem." Jacob softly kissed my cheek. "You want me to call everyone?" I nodded. "Yeah, we're having the baby so why not?" He smiled. "Okay." The doctor walked in. "Sir, we're going to have to take her in now." 

He nodded. "Okay." Jacob gave me one more kiss before sitting down. I slowly let go of his hand as the nurses took me into some room giving me some laughy gas.



"Where's Lyric?" I bounced my leg hoping that Lyric was okay. It's taking them a little long to bring her or the baby back. "I don't know. They took her into an emergency C-Section about 15 minutes ago and they haven't been back."

I saw the room door open and two nurses wheeling in a bed. "Oh my God." I mumbled under my breath." I looked at Kaden taking a sigh of relief that they were okay. I stood up with Kaden in my arms. "Kaden, you see mommy? You see your mommy and little sister?" He nodded. 

"Yeah." I smiled as the nurses walked out the room. "I'm so glad you're okay." I said kissing her lips. She smiled. "Well I'm okay and we have a daughter." Chyna walked over to the bed. "Is she okay?" I nodded. "Yeah, they said she'll live even though she's premature. It's not a fact, but it's a strong possibility." 

"Good." I said taking a sigh of relief. I smiled. "We haven't even had time to pick out a name." She nodded pushing the baby's hair out of her face. "Oh my Goodness. She's so adorable. Don't you think so Kaden?" 

He smiled. "Yeah mommy." We chuckled. "So what do you think Kaden, what should we name her?" "Uhh, Kaden?" Lyric shook her head. "No silly, that's your name. What's your sister's name Kaden?" I smiled. "Kaden, Aden." Lyric chuckled. "You really want Aden?" 

"Yeah, you picked the last one so let me pick this name. So, I want Aden." She nodded. "Aden, what?" "Savannah. That's Melody's middle name." She chuckled. "That's so cute. What do you think about that little lady?" 

Aden wined and held onto Lyric's finger. "You seem like you like that. Good." I smiled. "I have a daughter." I grabbed Aden from Lyric and smiled. "Kaden say hi." "Hi." I rubbed her back. "Hi, I'm your daddy." She gripped my finger as I smiled. 


Aww, the baby's premature! But, she's okay! The finally had Aden Savannah Wright!


Aden in the multimedia.

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