Chapter 25

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"Congratulations on your fight a couple weeks ago Mr. Wright." I smiled. "Thank you Doc." Lyric looked over at me and smiled. "So how's the baby?" Dr. Taylor smiled. "Well it seems as the baby's doing fine and we can tell the sex of the baby since it's your three month mark."

I smiled as Lyric spoke up. "It's a girl, right?" Dr. Taylor smiled. "A boy." I chuckled. "Ha-ha. I told you so." I said in a chuckle. Lyric had a smile full of embarrassment on her face. Dr. Taylor smiled. "Was it an ongoing battle?"

She nodded. "Yes. He knew it was a boy." He smiled. "So would you like an ultrasound picture?" I nodded. "Yeah why not?" He pressed a couple buttons before walked out. "It's a boy. You finally get a son." I smiled.

"I knew it. So our bet is off. I get that post-baby sex." She chuckled. "Shut the fuck up. When are you going back to the new house?" "After I leave the gym this afternoon. I gotta go let the painters in."

She nodded as I helped her off of the examination table. Dr. Taylor came back in the room and gave us a manilla envelope with our names on it. "Thank you Doc." He nodded. "I'll see you in two." She held my hand as we walked out.

I kissed her hand before we reached the car. I opened the door for her while she got in. Once I closed it, I got in and drove off.

"So, you know we have to think about a baby shower, right? And a name, and his room." I put my hand on her leg and rubbed it. "Calm down baby. "I mean, it's never too early to plan. We have four months to plan the shower and get a name. And the room."

"What you mean four for a name and the room?" She smiled. "I wanna reveal the name and display the room on the day of the baby shower." I nodded. "Alright, I can manage that." She smiled and rubbed her stomach. "Thank you. I love you so much."

She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I love you, too." I pulled into the driveway as we got out the car. "So Imma go to the gym for two hours, go let the painters in the house, then I'll be home." She smiled. "Okay, but someone's birthday is coming up."

I let her in the house. "Yeah, I wonder who." She chuckled. "Yours silly." I smiled. "That's right. Imma be 27." She smirked. "Yeah weirdo, you're four years older than me." "I feel like a male version of a cougar." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why?" "Cause cougars are older than their boyfriends and I'm older than you." She laughed. "A cougar is way older than her boyfriend. You're just four years. A cougar is old enough to be his mama." I smiled. "Oh my God."

"What?" "You're a weird ass person." She chuckled. "Those classes make me feel smart." I scooped her up off of her feet as I walked us upstairs. She kicked her Uggs off before laying down in the bed. "So, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, wassup?" "Don't tell anyone about the sex of the baby." I nodded. "Okay, I'm gone tho." I kissed her. "I love you." We kissed again. "Love you, too."

I laid back in the bed and sighed as my phone rang. I looked at the Caller ID and frowned. Jessie has been clingy, but never this clingy. I thought she hated me.

ME: "Hello?"

JESSIE: "Hey girl, you busy?"

ME: "I'm free the rest of the day."

JESSIE: "Mmm... okay, can I come over?"

ME: "Yeah."

JESSIE: "Okay, I'm on my way!"

ME: "Alright, bye."

I hung up the phone and went downstairs. Jacob should be calling me any second saying that he's leaving the gym, so I brought my phone. Jessie knocked on the door before I opened it.

"Hi Lyric." I smiled. "Hi, how've you been?" She smiled. "I've been good. You've been here in ATL much more than usual what's happening?" She walked inside and sat on the couch. "Well, I met a guy who lives out here."

I smirked. "You're age?" "Older." I frowned. "How much older?" I said as I sat on the couch. "A year." I smiled. "You're doing better than me." She smiled. "How far apart are you and Jacob?"

"Four years." She nodded. "He's not a sugar daddy like my other ones." I smiled. "Uh, no he's not." She chuckled. "So how's this little baby doing?" I rubbed my stomach and leaned back on the arm rest of the couch. "Good. It's nice and healthy."

"Good. How far along are you?" I smiled. "3 months today." "Cool. How does it feel?" I smirked. "It feels awesome. It's a feeling I can't describe though."

"Mm. Okay. So where's Jake?" I looked at my phone. "He should be leaving the gym now." I looked at my phone as his name and our picture flashed across the screen.

ME: "Yes sir?"

JACOB: "I'm leaving the gym now. You need anything while I'm out?"

ME: "No."

JACOB: "Okay, I'll see you in about an hour."

ME: "Kay, bye."

JACOB: "Bye."

I smiled as I hung the phone up. I rubbed my stomach as Jessie and I continued talking.

I put my purse down on the coffee table at my new boyfriend's house. He reminds me of a thug, but he just won't tell me what he does. "Jaxon, I'm home." He came downstairs. "Wassup Jess. How you feelin?"

"I'm feelin fine. Can't you talk to me like I'm your girlfriend and not your homie?" He nodded and sat down with me. "So you know how you been buggin me about what I do for a living?" "Yeah." He smiled. "Well I'm a drug dealer. I go by the name of Skull."

"What the fuck?! That's not safe." "Nah, the people I'm after aint safe. Got this girl named Goddess, one of her lil minions killed my brother and she killed my other brother. And she teamed up with one of my worse enemies, Phantom."

I cringed in my seat a little. "Well, as long as you're not after my family. Is that it?" He nodded. "Mhm. So... when Imma meet your family?" I shrugged. "It's my mom's birthday next week and the family's meeting there." He nodded. "Aight, cool."

I frowned. "Just don't hurt them." "I can't make no promises. I heard them cowards quit anyways." He kissed me. "You safe, tho." I smirked. "I love you." "I love you, too."


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