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"Hi grandma." She looked over from her hospital bed. It was hard seeing her with tubes up her nose. My grandma has always been a very independent person and to see her like this, it hurts me. I looked over at Aunt Clara who was crying her eyes out. 

The doctor walked in and I walked over to him. "How much longer?" "We're thinking just a short amount of time. The breathing machine is barely working." I took a deep breath trying to fight back my tears, but it was no use. 

I gave Jessie a big hug. We cried in each other's arms before Chyna came over to us crying. "Hey, hey. Now I don't wanna sit here and see you guys crying like this. You either Clara. Y'all know how I feel about crying." I stood up looking down at her wiping my eyes. 

I was about to speak, but the door opened to the hospital room. I looked to see Jacob walking in with Aden holding his right hand and Kaden holding his left. "Hi little children." Grandma Eloise said. They smiled. "Hi GiGi." 

She smiled. "How are you guys doing?" Aden smiled. "I'm good. I lost my first tooth." I chuckled as I picked Aden up. "You wanna show G-G where your tooth was lost?" She nodded. "Can I show you G-G?" Grandma nodded. "Show me baby."

I bent down letting her show Grandma where her lost tooth was. Grandma smiled. "Oh, did the tooth fairy come?" She nodded. "Mhm. I got 20 dollars." Grandma looked at me. "Oh really? That's good. That means you were being a good girl." 

She chuckled as Kaden smiled. "I lost one too G-G. I lost two." The kids call Grandma Eloise G-G which is short for Great Grandma. She insisted on being called G-G anyways. "Let me see." Kaden showed her his two front teeth that were missing. "How much money did the tooth fairy give you?" 

"20 dollars too." She gave Jacob and I the side eye again indicating that we spoil the kids too much. "Alright guys, give G-G a kiss. You guys have to go back to the hotel and get ready for bed." They both kissed grandma's cheek and she smiled. "I'll see you guys soon." 

"Okay." I gave Jacob a kiss. "I'll see you later, alright?" I nodded. "Okay." He wiped my eyes. "Cheer up baby." I softly smiled. "Are my eyes puffy?" He nodded. "Very puffy." I chuckled as he spoke up. "You're strong enough to make it through anything okay?" I nodded. "Alright, I love you." 

"I love you, too." He took the kids by their hands and took them out of the room. "Where's Riley Jess?" She looked over at me. "Her and Simon are in the hotel." I nodded. "Oh okay... King too Chyna?" She nodded. "Yeah." 

I kept looking over at the door thinking that my mom and dad would walk through at any second to say their last good byes to grandma, but it keeps dawning on me that they're not here either. I just want them here, but I think they went for the better because my mom and dad would have been an EMOTIONAL WRECK if they saw this right now.

I heard grandma cough and everyone's head shot her way. "I'm fine. Stop watching over me like that." I shook my head. "Grandma, we're just making sure you're alright." She nodded. "Sit around the bed." I sat down in a chair by the bed as everyone pulled a chair over by her bed. 

"I want you all to promise me that after I go, you won't cry. It's just the circle of life, I mean this is the best we could have wished for. I was healthy my whole life. I had no diseases... and barely any sicknesses. But you guys gotta promise me that you guys will continue to live. Clara, you have a new granddaughter to tend to as well as a daughter. And you three girls. You guys have come to amaze me. You guys have showed your strength through all of your situations. Chyna and Lyric you guys have been through your parents going and Lyric you've been through your best friend passing. It's all apart of the plan. It made you a stronger person. It made you appreciate life more right?" 

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