Chapter Two

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I swallowed the dregs of my first coffee and threw the empty cup in the trash, still tightly clutching the other. I needed the caffeine to function. Yes, I was an addict.

Brushing down my shirt, I walked down the empty hallway, my footsteps echoing. This very hallway would soon be crowded with noisy, sweaty teenagers but for now it was blessedly empty.

Leaving the hall, I entered what had been my classroom for a year. It was bare, stripped of everything that had given it personality. The grey walls were dull and gave the room the air of a prison cell. I'm sure to many of the pupils it had been. But it was the last day, and freedom loomed. I couldn't wait for the vacation; I needed it. Badly.

Sitting behind my recently emptied desk, I almost wished I had some marking to do. That would keep me busy until class began. That or I could go home. I had to wonder how many people would actually show up to the last class of the last day. I certainly knew I didn't want to be here.

The bell rang and chairs scraped above my head, a flurry of feet hitting the corridor. It seemed children didn't skip as much as I had in my school years. It was a wonder I learned anything; I was rarely in.

A few seconds later the door opened and a group of girls entered, gossiping. I was surprised they were here; they weren't the dedicated type and most of them had failed my class.

That kind of pupil required a little work, to put it nicely. They didn't want to learn; seeming to view school as some sort of social event rather than a place of education. It had been difficult to be heard (never mind actually teach), at first, but I had quickly learned to split them up and confiscate phones on arrival.

My thoughts of dealing with rowdy students disappeared as Lilly and Tanya came through the open door. My eyes disobeyed me, the way they did so often in the presence of beautiful women. I tried to tear my gaze away but it would not go. My eyed moved to her face and she met my eyes, smiling. I looked away quickly, embarrassment breaking my stupor. I was filled with shame - this was no way for a teacher to act. My heart raced and I fought to bring it under control, clenching my fists and digging my nails to distract me.

'Not professional!' I scolded and slowed my breathing, trying to bring my racing pulse back under control.

The class was filling up now; I had to get my head sorted out.

When I dared to glance back at Lilly she was laughing at something Tanya had said. She didn't seem to have noticed me or, if she had, she didn't care. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come on, Laura," I urged, "teach the damn class then go home and relax."

Pushing all thoughts away I sorted through the movies. I read their names aloud and asked which they'd prefer.

Half the class screamed their choice at me, each reply drowned in a sea of contrasting preferences. I raised my hand and silence immediately followed.

"How about a vote?"

"I think Lilly should choose, Miss Hart," Tanya spoke up, "cos it's her birthday." I looked at Lilly, surprised.

"Is it your birthday?" She blushed a little and nodded. "How old are you then?"

"I'm eighteen," She said.

"Well, happy birthday," I smiled and she returned it. "Would you like to pick the movie?" She shook her head and turned bright red. "Come on, there must be something you want to watch." I prodded.

"No, there's...there's n-nothing." She stuttered, looking like she wanted to sink into the ground.

"Alright," I let it go, not wanting to pressure the poor girl, "let's vote."

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now