Chapter Forty-eight

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A/n: Hey, lovely readers. I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read my shockingly bad work. Editing has made me ashamed. Although not ashamed enough to proof read this chapter... So that's working out.  A few of you pointed out in the previous chapter that someone in authortiy shouldn't let a child go who could still be susceptible to harm and upon reading that I found I agreed. So I have gone back and edited the last chapter to fit. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and (if I don't update before then) a Merry Christmas to you all!


"You lied to me." Lilly glared at me accusingly.

"I thought it would be better!" I exclaimed defensively.

"It wasn't," she whined, collapsing into the front seat of the car. "I'm so tired."

We'd just gotten out of Lilly's second karate lesson and she wasn't happy about how much energy it required.

"It wasn't that bad," I rolled my eyes at
her dramatics. "You'll get used to it and then it will start to become fun."

"I seriously doubt that." My girlfriend sounded deadly serious. She hadn't been herself for the past couple of days; her temper had been shorter than I'd ever seen it, so much so that she seemed to be permanently pissed off. I could barely stand it. Only now did I realise how spoiled I'd been, Lilly really was a great girlfriend.

If only I could work out what was wrong. She refused to talk to me, getting angry if I asked too many questions, and I had gotten nowhere. I just hoped she was okay. I didn't mean to annoy her but I needed to make sure she was alright.

I tapped my fingers against the steering-wheel restlessly as I drove. Lilly sat with her eyes closed and her legs stretched out as much as they could; being at the front of the car, this wasn't very far.

I looked across at her and my tapping became faster. I had to try and get her in a better mood, do something; or I'd feel like the worst girlfriend in the world.

"Someone caught on that we're together today," I started. Lilly's eyes opened and became fixed upon my face. "She was apparently watching us and when you went to the bathroom she came over and proceeded to question me about you. It was all very weird." I laughed softly, not because the story was particularly funny but to encourage Lilly to join me. She didn't.

"Well, what did you tell her?" Her eyes flashed and I had a sinking feeling that my attempt to cheer her up had only made her angry. I gripped the steering-wheel tightly and internally yelled at myself for being so stupid. Couldn't I do anything right(!)?

"Laura," Lilly's voice was soft and when I looked at her she didn't seem angry anymore. I couldn't be sure though, she had been like this before, then flipped back again in an instant. I didn't know what to do, or what to say. I never thought the day would come where I'd be apprehensive about telling Lilly; the girl who I could trust with everything; something.

Maybe I was overreacting, maybe she would barely react. Perhaps I was simply thinking far too much, as I used to. A few days ago I'd thought the flashback through Gemma only solidified the fact that I was over what had happened in that period of my life and that it wouldn’t bother me anymore.

Now I had a different view. When I had moved out (as soon as was financial possible) I used to spend days locked inside my tiny one-bedroom flat simply thinking. It had taken a long time but eventually I began to think I was getting better. I had stopped slipping into long periods of thought while in lectures or out with friends and when I thought about what had happened I didn’t cry. Since that long period of much thought I’d been well, not sinking into that dangerous pool for over five years.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now