Chapter Twenty-two

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"What's this then?" Caitlin asked, pushing herself out of the chair and making her way towards Laura and I. "Cheating on me again?"

"We broke up Caitlin! Get over it!" Laura snapped.

"You still want me! Clearly you're using this..." She gestured at me, "child to try and get to me!

"Oh grow up! Not everything revolves around you."

"You know you need me, I'm the only one who understands you!"

"Just because you know a couple of things about me doesn't mean you 'understand' me." Laura said, her voice rough with annoyance.

"You need me!" She repeated. "How can this little girl match up to me?"

"She doesn't need to! She will always be so much better than you can even hope to be!"

"Aw, does she listen to you, does she pretend that she knows what you've been through?" Caitlin asked, her voice thick with sarcasm and mockery.

"Shut up!" Laura shouted, "just stop talking!"

"Doesn't she know?" Caitlin feigned surprise, "hasn't she told you?" She addressed me now, her eyes wide with fake surprise.

"Told me what?" I asked, trying to meet Laura's eyes.

"It's nothing, I'll tell you later."

"Little girlfriend doesn't know what daddy did to he-" She was cut off as Laura launched herself onto her.

"I-told-you-to-shut-up-you-stupid-cow!" Laura snarled, punctuating each word with a punch. She was sitting on top of Caitlin, her hair tangled and her fists flying as she rained blows down onto the woman. Caitlin was screaming and trying to cover her face and body with her hands, trying to protect herself.

"Laura!" I yelled, grabbing her shoulder. "Stop it!" She stood up and spun round to face me. Her eyes were wild and for a second I was scared by the raw anger there. Then the fire in her eyes died and guilt swept across her features.

"I'm sorry," she said weakly, relaxing her hands with effort. "I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's all right." I moved to hug her and then it was like everything slowed down.

As I went into the hug my head was at an angle at which I could clearly see Caitlin who, until that moment, had remained curled in a ball on the floor. As I watched she reached into her pocket and pulled out something which glinted with menace. She threw herself forwards and towards Laura, the knife held in front of her like a spear.

I yelled and pushed Laura out of the way, sending us both sprawling on the floor. After that I did a lot more than just screaming, in fact I completely freaked out. In my defense I'm pretty sure most people would have reacted similarly if faced with my situation.

Everything around me became blurred and out of focus. I lost all sense of space or time. I could hear screams, cursing and even at one point sirens, but the only constant was the crying and my own, ragged breathing.

Someone was shaking me, telling me to calm down and that it was okay. Since I didn't appear to have any sharp objects sticking out of me I chose to believe whomever it was and ceased my wailing. I focused on the face in front of me and was met by the stern frown of a policeman. His bright blue eyes examined me thoroughly making sure I was safe to leave alone.

"Are you all right now love?" He asked and I felt a sudden rush of shame. Anything could've happened to Laura and I'd just sat there without noticing. I looked over his muscled shoulder but Laura wasn't in the room. It was empty apart from me and this man.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now