Chapter Twenty

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"Uh... hi." A stuttering male voice filled the line.

"Hi." I said, "can I ask who you are?"

"It's Jarrod." The male said and I was instantly worried.

"What is it? Is it Lilly?"

"No. It's nothing serious." I breathed out a sigh of relief and leaned back into my chair. "I was wondering if you could come over today, not for Lilly but to see me?"

I paused for a second to think. Would it be appropriate to see him alone? He, like Lilly, was no longer my student so that was not the issue, but could I go to her house and not see her but spend my time with her brother? Somehow it didn't feel right and I drew in a breath to gently reject his offer but before I could say anything his voice cut through the line.

"It's my birthday and I just hoped you could be there but I understand if you've already got plans."

That made me feel bad and put me in an uncomfortable situation.

"Sure I'll come." I said before I could fully think it out, guilt mixing with the prospect of seeing Lilly to make the decision before my brain could contribute.

"Great!" He said cheerfully. "Come round about eleven cos that's when we're eating! It's going to be so great!"

"Yes, it will." I said cautiously starting to regret agreeing to go.

"I can't wait to see you!" He exclaimed and I murmured an agreeable noise. "What?" He shouted, talking to someone off the phone. "Okay... yes, yes I will... I'll only be two seconds!... Just give me a minute... no, mum just let me say bye! Yes!"

I smiled to myself imagining him arguing with his mother, I remembered a time I used to do that, before I hit puberty and everything changed. It was nice to see someone at his age still having a enough relationship with their mother to argue with her.

"Hey, sorry about that but I have to go."

"I gathered." I said with a small smile and he sighed. "I'll see you about eleven, okay?"

"Yeah, thanks."

I hung up and got ready for a shower, I had to look good if I was going to see Lilly.

As I was standing under the powerful jet of water two things hit me. One, that I'd never given Jarrod my number, and two? It had only been a month since Lilly's birthday.


'The first of course was easy to understand,' I mused as I sat in the car, drumming my finger on the wheel impatiently as I waited for the light to change. 'He probably took it from Lilly's phone. But the second... the second.'

A horn blared and I jumped and realized the light had turned green. I pressed down on the accelerator quickly before the man behind could get too angry and ram me or something.

One of them couldn't be their real child. There was no way they could both be from the same mother, it was biologically impossible. So was Lilly adopted, or Jarrod. I was inclined to say Lilly, her blond hair setting her apart from the browns and blacks that dominated the rest of her family.

I turned into the road that led up to Lilly's house and felt a fluttering in my stomach. What caused it I couldn't say, maybe it was apprehension, maybe my new found realization. Whatever it was it settled like a layer of mucus, there to stay.


I rang the doorbell and Maggie opened it.

"Good morning Mrs Daniels." I said politely and she smiled warmly at me.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now