Chapter Five

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Being slapped in the face is never a good way to start the day.

"Lilly (!)... Lilly! Get up now!" A second slap followed, accompanied by a heavy weight pressing down on my chest and stomach. I groaned and tried to push whatever it was off me.

"I'm up, I'm up," I wheezed and suddenly I could breathe again.

"Come on! Get up!" The bed squealed and rocked as someone bounced on it. My arm was being pulled and my hair became caught in their hand and pulled. That made me shriek and leap out of bed.


I forced open my heavy eyelids to glare at Sheridan. She grinned back, trying to look innocent, her eyes mischievous.

"Time to go shopping!" She exclaimed, then laughed at my expression. I hate shopping!

She bullied, pleaded and moaned at me until I was ready to go. Then she marched me out the front door and into the back of a waiting taxi.


We arrived in town and Sheridan paid the driver. As I climbed out into the cold wind, my hair was whipped around my head and I nearly choked on it. Sheridan stood a little to my left, apparently oblivious to my coughing and spluttering. She had her hands on her hips and was scanning the store fronts with a frown. Then her face cleared and she grabbed my hand.

"Come on! We're going in here!" She yelled, dragging me into a vintage clothes store.

The shop attendant jumped up when we entered and grinned widely. Perhaps a little too widely.

"What can I get you ladies?" She asked cheerfully.

"We're looking for dresses."

"Come right this way." The woman headed off through the racks of clothing.

When she was out of earshot, I hissed, "why are we looking here?"

"You want to look unique, don't you? You want to stand out f-" She broke off, realising she had said too much.

"For who?" I asked but Sheridan elbowed me and I tuned into what the woman was saying.

"-here, we can provide anything. What sort of dress are you looking for?"

"Party dresses, for her." Sheridan said indicating me with her thumb.

"Any particular style?" The woman addressed me now. I simply shrugged and Sheridan took over.

"Nah, just give us some options."

The woman disappeared and soon returned with an armful of dresses. She laid them out on a chair and I heard Sheridan gasp in horror, making me struggle to keep a straight face. They were made of an old fabric with set in creases. Some did have the plus of a handful of sequins but most of those were hanging on by a single thread.

Sheridan picked one up and grimaced. She sent me a look that said 'maybe this wasn't such a good idea' and I replied with a smirk.

She turned back to the shop assistant and smiled. "I'm sorry but there's nothing that would suit us."

"Wait! I'm sure I could find you something, if you just wait. I can alter if nee-" Her protests were cut off when the door slammed behind us.

"Oh, God," Sheridan looked at me and couldn't hold in a laugh at the smug look I was giving her.

"I told you so." She whacked me and tugged on my arm.

"Enough of that, come on." She led along the main street.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now