Chapter Thirteen

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I tried to open my eyes but it just wasn't working. My eyelids felt as though they were glued together and I eventually resorted to pulling them apart with my hands.

The room was bright and something warm and heavy was on my legs. In fact I couldn't feel them at all.

I tried to sit up but the weight at my feet prevented it. I glanced down, confused, and my eyes nearly fell out my head at the sight that met them.

Laura lay curled up and fast asleep, her head resting high on my thighs. Her hair was tousled and her face peaceful. She looked adorable, with her arms wrapped around her torso and her body still and relaxed.

I watched her for a few minutes until she shifted and her head moved even higher making me feel uncomfortable. I tried to tug my legs out from under her but she was too heavy. I leaned down and shoved her, causing her to groan. I pushed her again and her eyes opened. It took a minute for them to focus then they widened and she jumped off me, landing hard on her butt.

"I'm so sorry!" She said, her hands covering her mouth and muffling the words. I told her it was fine but she still retreated to the bathroom to recover from the embarrassment.

I leaned back and watched the ceiling. The swirls were fascinating and if I stared hard enough they would move, spinning around and around, making me dizzy. I welcomed the feeling, the slight sickness, as something to distract me from what was plaguing my thoughts. I knew I couldn't avoid it for long but the short rest bite was almost enjoyable.

If I squinted I could make shapes from the twirling spirals. A lollipop, a clown face, a laughing baby.

There it was, the sign that the spell had been broken. The sadness came crashing in and I could only hold it at bay with the small spark of hope that flickered in the bottom of my stomach. For every second I was optimistic another fifty-nine would be spent in despair.

I pictured how happy Anne had been when she'd told us about the baby, how eager she'd been to be a good mum, and the tears could no longer be held back. They spilled from my eyes, hot and wet, and trickled down the sides of my face. I felt an inexplicable anger at the world and everyone in it. How could they let this happen to her? What had she done to deserve this?

I felt someones arms wrap around me and I was pulled up into a warm, soft embrace.

"Shh," Laura whispered, "It's okay, shh."

I twisted out her grip and wiped my eyes fiercely.

"I'm fine." I snapped, "I don't need you."

"The baby's going to be all right." She said even though her eyes flashed with hurt. It made me feel good to see someone else hurting, made me feel a little satisfied.

"I know." I said and went into the kitchen.

She followed even though she looked very uncomfortable.

I put some bread in the toaster and leaned against the counter, deliberately avoiding looking at her. She sighed heavily and I heard a chair being pulled out.

"I'm sorry Lilly, I'm sorry this had to happen to someone you love, she didn't deserve it."

"Your pity isn't going to help anyone." I said coldly. "If she didn't deserve it why don't you tell her that when she comes home?"

"I don't think she'll want me there after-"

"After what?" I screamed, turning to face her. "After her baby died? After everything she ever wanted just went up in a puff of smoke? After-" I broke off, my sobs choking me.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now