Chapter Forty-six

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A/n: I wrote a long paragraph thing here and it didn't save. *annoyed face* ugh, Wattpad.
I'll be back around Christmas after my exams. I'm editing the book so previous chapters might change a little. And my sincerest apologies for making you guys wait so long for an update.


When I got back from university that night Laura was lying on the sofa watching TV. I threw myself over the top of the couch onto her. She grabbed my sides to stop me slipping off but didn't say anything, too winded I guessed. I pushed my face against hers, nuzzling.

"Whatcha watching?"

"A scary movie," she whispered creepily, tickling the back of my neck. I shivered and pushed her hand away. "What?" She grinned, "you're not scared, are you?"

"Maybe." I tugged her arm until we were both sitting up. "Are you scared?"

"Me?" She smirked, "I'm too tough for that."

"We should watch a romance instead." I loved that kind of film.

"Only if there's lots of action in it. I love watching fighting."

I rolled my eyes and snuggled into her side.

"Fighting's boring."

"Is not!" Laura gasped.

"It is," I pinched her arm.

"Ow," she shook her arm. "That hurt." I smirked. "Kiss it better!" She demanded, holding her arm out in front of me.

I grinned and complied. I kissed back up her arm, over her shoulder and up her neck then scattered kisses across her jaw. I sighed happily when my lips met hers.

She slid her fingers through my hair and deepened our kiss. I responded likewise and we got a little... carried away. Our embrace only ended when my mother cleared her throat loudly. We leaped apart, both of us turning red and not quite looking at her.

"Sorry, Mrs. Daniels," Laura muttered an apology, re-clipping her bra. I blushed a deeper shade of red at this, seeing my mum's eyebrow rise and her gaze turn to me.

I sank down in the sofa, trying to hide.
"There's no need to be embarrassed," my mum told us, "I know you two are sleeping together. At least I didn't walk in on that." I failed to see how this was supposed to comfort. "Although we sure can hear you," she winked and sauntered out the room.

I felt like I had died. I'd never been more embarrassed in my entire life. Laura was laughing while I tried to disappear into the sofa.

"It's not funny," I whined, burying my head in Laura's neck.

"I'm not laughing at you, babe." She still shook slightly with giggles. "I'm laughing at how awesome your mum is," she kissed the top of my head softly. "Mine would lose her mind."

"Why?" My embarrassment was diminishing now but I stayed in Laura's neck; it was too comfortable to leave.

"It's not that she's against gays or anything but imaging two girls doing that might be a little too much for her. Especially if one is her daughter."

"If I was your mum I'd imagine it all the time. Hell, I'd do it to you all the time."

Laura pulled my head up to look at her, her expression priceless.

"Was that meant to be romantic?"

I giggled and nodded.

"Awh baby, I really need to teach you how to woo. Suggesting incest between my mother and myself is not the way to do it."

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now