Chapter Twelve

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I thundered down the stairs and ran to the door. I flung it open and stood panting in the doorway.

"Hey." I breathed.

"Hi." Laura said, "are you okay?"

"Me? I'm fine, yes, nothing wrong with me. I'm so great that there isn't even a word for it and I should really stop talking now." I hid my face behind my hand.

"You ready to go?" She laughed.

"Yeah, just give me a minute." I said and went back into the house.

I went into the kitchen to get my ticket and dad looked up at me.

"Are you going out?" He asked.


"Oh, who with?" He asked, looking out the window which over looked the front step.

"Just a friend." I said and he smiled.

"That girl you had over for lunch again. Well have fun."

"I will. Bye dad."

"See you sweetie."

"Sorry I took so long." I said and closed the door behind me. "Dad accosted me."

Her face flashed with something that faintly resembled terror but it was gone so quickly I must have imagined it. Why would she be scared of my dad anyway?

"When's the game?" She asked.

"It starts at seven. We should get there in plenty of time."

We were heading to a local football match between our home team and another club from across the country. It was a friendly, nothing serious, and should be good fun.


"Had any more trouble from Caitlin?" I asked.

"Not really." She said, "I think my phone is going to crash from the amount of calls it has to deflect but other than that all is well."

"Good. So how have you been?"

"What in the week since you last saw me?"

"You never know." I said and hit her gently, "I was only trying to be polite, cheeky!"

"Sorry, I have been absolutely fabulous." She said.

"Why do I get the feeling you're mocking me?"

"Aw, am I picking on you?"

"Yes." I pouted.

"Poor you."

"I should report you."

"To who?"

"A teacher." I said, then realised how stupid that sounded.

"Bad luck, we tend to stick together." She grinned.

"The police then!"

"Why would you report me for?"

"Uh... Kidnapping!" I announced.

"You're not a child plus you got in the car of your own will, it's not my fault the doors locked themselves."

"That's actually quite creepy." I laughed.

"Really? Would it be scarier if I told you that the doors are actually locked." She looked at me seriously and I shrank back in my chair.

"I'm going to start recording this conversation."

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now