Chapter Twenty-nine

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Laura ordered me to leave but I refused to go. It was like a repeat of yesterday, only this time I had a real reason to stay; not that I just couldn't be bothered.

The night before her headache had taken a turn for the worse and she'd gone to bed, trying to tell me that she would be fine and that I should just go home. I didn't, of course, and it was a good thing I hadn't.

I'd gone to get her some painkillers and when I returned, with the pills and a glass of water, she was asleep. Or that's what I had thought anyway.

She'd looked so peaceful, lying beneath the dark blue sheets, her hair spilling across the pillow, that I hadn't wanted to wake her. Instead I sat back and surveyed her room.

I hadn't looked at it properly before; having always been too distracted.

It was a decent size, not too small but not massive either, with a queen bed against the wall furthest from the door. It was in this bed she now lay.

On one side of the bed was a small table made of pale wood which looked almost cream in colour. It had a darker grain running through, showing that it was real, not some synthetic made in a factory. On top of the table was a blue lamp, painted in the exact shade of her duvet.

There was a desk under the window where Laura did her marking. Even though she'd only been at work for half a day the surface was littered with papers and half a dozen pens. I'd never realised how much work teachers actually did. I thought they came to school, taught, then went home again, and did nothing else. Apparently that was not the case.

Her wardrobe was set into the wall opposite her bed. The doors were made of silver lined glass and slid open to show the space behind, which was huge. I hadn't though she was much of a girly girl before yesterday; which was when I first saw what she owned; but now I can definitely say she is!

There were more dresses in there than I'd seen in some stores! And the amount of make up she had blew my mind.

I'd gotten up and wondered around the room, then, getting bored, went off to explore the house.

When I'd grown tired of that too I went back to the bedroom to check on Laura.

She'd been lying exactly as I'd left her and I had found that odd. When we'd slept together in the hospital she had rolled over often, nearly shoving me out the bed a couple of times, so it was strange that she hadn't moved at all now.

It had crossed my mind that she might have been in pain the night before but if that were true surely she'd still be hurting now. Injuries didn't heal that fast.

I had tried to wake her... and then tried again, and again.

"Oh god," I'd started to panic and had no idea what to do. The nurse hadn't told us what to do if she died!

Then, because I started to worry, I had to check and make sure she wasn't actually dead. I wasn't quite sure how to do that but figured she'd have a heart beat and pressed my hand against her left boob.

Her heart had still been thumping away, thank God.

I'd been unsure of what to do next. Should I phone an ambulance? Just take her to the hospital in my dads car? Leave her to wake up?

I'd decided I needed another opinion and phoned Sheridan.


"You need to tell me what to do! Should I take her to hospital or just leave her or-"

"Calm down L! What are you talking about?"

"Laura!" I'd shouted, thinking it was obvious.

"What's wrong with her?"

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now