Chapter Twenty-seven

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I turned to look at the women Laura had called mum. I was in total shock, I hadn't even known she had a mother. She'd certainly never mentioned her before.

The woman whom my eyes rested on was the complete opposite of what I'd expected. I'd thought it would be someone motherly and rather plump. This woman was definitely neither of those.

She was small and as thin as a rake; you could actually see the bones of her face which was a little creepy. Her hair was cut short and was dyed a bright, electric blue. She was wearing leather and held a motorcycle helmet in her hands which made her seem a little wild, when added to her raggedy hair. Her small hazel eyes rested on me and narrowed. I was reminded of predators I'd seen on nature programs; zoning in on their prey with devastating results.

"What the fuck is she doing here!?" Laura demanded and her mothers' eyes moved from me and, with apparent effort, fixed on her daughter.

"Hello Laura, it's been a while." The woman's voice was crisp and clear but lacked any warmth or comfort.

"I invited her," Stephanie told Laura.

"Why? You know how I feel about that!"

"I know but-" Stephanie began but Laura cut her off.

"I don't care, just get her out of here."

"I am right here, you know," the woman said moving forward. I felt Laura shift beside me and glanced across at her.

She had moved further up the bed, away from her mother. She clearly did not want this woman anywhere near her. In an attempt to comfort her I took her hand into mine even though she'd released it when she first spotted her mum. She squeezed it tightly and shot me a strained half-smile.

"I was just worried about you honey," the woman said, the endearment sounding odd in her affection-less tone. "You could've been seriously hurt."

"I'm not," Laura said shortly, "so you can go now." Her mum sighed and I felt sorry for her. She cared for her daughter but Laura wouldn't let her in. I wondered what had happened to damage their relationship so much. It must have been something pretty big, Laura wasn't one to show weakness as clearly as this.

"Why do you hate me so much honey?" She asked, and Laura's face twisted into an expression of disgust.

"You know why," Laura said through very obviously gritted teeth.

"No I don't, you wont tell me!" She sounded exasperated but not at all sad at this statement.

"Do we really have to do this here? Right now?" Laura asked, looking desperately at her sister. "Please."

"Laura I'm fed up of us tiptoeing around it! I want to be around you without you trying to get rid of me! You're my daughter and I love you and this is too hard!"

So she did have emotions! She looked, and sounded, both angry and upset and I could see Laura waver; not as sure of herself now. "Especially after Hector died," the woman continued and the walls came slamming back down. I actually watched the emotions wiping from Laura's face and her mouth turn into a grim line.

Stephanie had apparently seen this too as she said, "maybe you should just go... sorry mum."

"No, let me stay... I won't say anything." Laura glared at her and she held her hands up, "I promise."

Laura eyed her suspiciously as she came closer to us.

"Who's this then?" She asked, her hawk-like eyes once again meeting mine.

"I'm Lilly," I said, reaching out to shake her hand, "I'm Lauras' girlfriend."

"Nice to meet you," she shook her hand and smiled at me thinly.

"And you," I added politely although it wasn't.

She released my hand and looked at Laura oddly. Suddenly I wasn't so sure I should have introduced myself as her girlfriend. What if she wasn't out yet? Or worse, was and hadn't said anything to her mother.

"Sorry," I whispered to Laura and she tightened her grip around my hand.

"For what?"

"Just telling your mum, I should have asked or left it to you or-"

"What are you talking about?" She asked, and I wasn't sure if I had been wrong. Maybe she hadn't noticed, perhaps her mother already knew. Maybe I'd made a big deal out of nothing.

"Nothing," I whispered and she chuckled softly.

"You're so cute all worried like that," she replied, her voice not low at all. I was kind of embarrassed but I couldn't think straight with her pulling me towards her, leaning her head in close to mine.

Her lips gently brushed mine and I melted a little inside but before we could go any further the door was ripped open and I jumped and pulled away from her. I didn't get very far however, as her uninjured arm was wrapped around my neck, trapping me.

I glanced up at the people who had come through the door and for the second time that day I was totally shocked.

There was a woman with short black hair and really bright green eyes, like a cats', but it was the man behind who made my mouth open in surprise.

It was Thomas, Thomas from university! What was he doing here? Did he know Laura?

That would be strange, kind of freaky actually. What were the odds of something like this happening? A million to one probably.

He was staring at me too, looking just as astonished as me.

"Lilly?" He asked, as though he wasn't certain it was really me, "is that you?"

"Yeah," I said, grinning at him. He laughed and came over to me.

"You couldn't make this up!"

"You two know each other?" Laura asked, looking between us with confusion.

"Slightly," Thomas explained, "we met today, we're on the same course." He turned to the woman he'd come in with, "Lilly this is Courtney, my girlfriend." He winked at me and I giggled, remembering our earlier conversation. "I'm guessing Laura's yours." I nodded and we both burst out laughing.

Laura and Courtney glanced between each other and us, with total bemusement written on their faces.

"S-sorry," Thomas choked, "we're just-" he broke off again, his words drowned by his laughter.

It took a few minutes but we eventually calmed down enough to speak.

"Sorry, it was a joke from earlier."

"Okay, whatever," Courtney said, her attention fixed on Laura, "how are you?"

"I'm okay," Laura smiled at her, and Courtney appeared to accept that.

"Good." Thomas said, "she was going out of her mind sitting in all that traffic not able to see you."

"Thomas!" Courtney slapped him playfully and he grinned at her, his eyes full of love.

"What?" He asked, playing innocent.

She rolled her eyes and everyone laughed - except Lauras' mum.


"We really should be going," Thomas repeated for the third time, looking anxiously at his watch.

"Alright, alright," Courtney said, standing up with a grin.

"Thomas is anxious for his dinner," she leaned in and kissed Laura on the cheek then quickly kissed mine. "I look forward to talking to you again," Courtney said, beaming at me, "we should all meet up sometime."

"Yeah, that sounds good," Laura said then looked at me, "you up for it?"

"Sure," I agreed quickly, I'd gotten on well with Courtney and could see why Laura liked her.

"Okay, I'll text you later Laura," she waved goodbye and they left.

They were the last ones to go, Laura's mum had left without anyone noticing until Stephanie said they'd better get back and let little Alexander sleep.

I curled up in the bed next to Laura and she wrapped her arm around me, pulling me tight against her.

My dad had phoned me because my mother was still having a breakdown and it was arranged that I would spend the night here. My dad has made a few jokes about 'something he didn't want to know about' happening but I was certain there would be no such thing. Laura was injured after all.

"Do you have anything to change into?" Laura asked and I sat up again.

"No, I didn't think I would be staying."

"You can't sleep in the clothes you've been wearing all day though..." she paused; thinking, and I didn't like the gleam that suddenly came over her eyes. "You'll just have to take them off."

I sat completely still for a while, shocked.

"What?" I finally managed to force out.

"You'll just have to take them off."

"No I, I heard what you said I just... you don't really mean that I should..."

"You should... what?"

"Just... strip?" She nodded and I prodded further, "like completely?"

"If you want to," she winked at me and I blushed.

"I'd rather not," I said, painfully embarrassed.

"Leave your underwear on then, if it bothers you that much."

That wasn't much better but seeing her laughing at me made me want to make her shut up so I stood up and quickly discarded all my clothing - minus my bra and knickers.

She wasn't laughing any more and that made me grin. Her eyes were riveted on my body, taking me in slowly and thoroughly.

After a time I felt rather uncomfortable and snapped my fingers in front of her glazed over eyes, making her jump and smile at me guiltily.

"Sorry," she said with a wink, "I just couldn't keep my eyes off you."

"Stop it!" I said, climbing into the bed beside her so she couldn't stare at me any longer.

Or that's what I thought anyway.

She just pulled the covers off me and perched on her elbow, gazing at me.

"I said stop it!" I complained again, feeling incredibly awkward.

"Why?" She asked, "you're beautiful, there's nothing for you to be embarrassed about."

"I just... don't like people looking at me and judging me, okay?"

"I'm not judging you babe," Laura reassured me, dropping a quick kiss onto my lips which soon turned into a long one, "we'll, actually I am, but it's nothing bad." She gasped once we'd pulled apart.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now