Chapter Twenty-three

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Laura's lips slid across the skin of my cheek, warmth permeating my pores and heating me like a fire. She kissed her way to my ear and gently licked the earlobe. Her teeth nipped the skin but it wasn't painful, quite the opposite in fact. Throbs of pleasure shot to my centre and I nearly groaned in response.

My hands tangled in her hair and I forced her lips to meet mine. They did so with a sigh of relief and I melted into it, my whole body responding as she slipped her tongue into my mouth. I was overcome by the sweetness of her skin and the spice on her breath. My whole body trembled as she gently lay me down on the satin sheets, the silky smoothness feeling like feathers against my skin.

She kissed me again, this time more passionately than before and my heart felt like it would explode with happiness. I pulled her head even closer towards me until the lines between our bodies became blurred. Her whole body pressed on top of me, her breasts crushing against mine, her abs familiar against me. I kissed her desperately as her teeth nibbling my bottom lip. With every bite I became wetter, until I was almost squirming with need.

Suddenly she moved her head away from me, supporting herself on her elbows as she stared into my eyes.

"What is it?" I whispered, my voice hoarse and strained, and she smiled at me.

"I just want to look at you," she said, and she sound completely unaffected by what had just happened. I felt stupid. Clearly she wasn't at all flustered by what had just happened while I was a ball of want.

I blushed as her eyes roamed my body, taking in my pupils which had dilated with desire and the rapid way in which my chest was rising and falling.

"You look so hot." She whispered, and moved towards me. Her own want showed now as her eyes burned with fire. Just as she was about to touch me and alleviate the throbbing need a loud blaring noise ripped through the air. Her face began to swim before my eyes and finally disappeared altogether.

I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling of my bedroom. I sighed, stupid dream! Get me all horny then end! Damn it.

I groaned and closed my eyes again, trying to ignore the throbbing between my legs.

Eventually I realized I wasn't going to fall asleep again and opened my eyes. I got out of bed and climbed straight into a cold shower. The water was like ice and I shrieked. I'd never actually taken a cold shower before but people said it helped to calm you down. They better be right.

I waited until I couldn't bear it anymore then turned the temperature up. I instantly felt better and my fingers began to defrost. Once I had regained the feeling in my body I discovered that it had worked, I was no longer in desperate for Laura.

Happily I washed my hair and quickly ran a razor over my legs before drying off and preparing for the day ahead.


"I don't want to dad!" I moaned and he sighed in annoyance.

"You have to Lilly, do you want to find out or not?"

"What if she doesn't want to know?" I begged.

"She will. Trust me."

"Ugh! Fine I'll do it, but only for her!" I left the car, slamming the door to convey how little I wanted to do this. If he was so sure Laura would want to know then why hadn't he asked her himself?

'I worry.' His voice whispered. 'I want to know you're safe. You and Laura. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you two.'

'God, dad I'm sorry.' I felt terrible. 'I know you care about us and I was just being an annoying brat.'

'I'm used to it.' He chuckled before retreating from my head.

I approached the door of the police station with a little less violence and pushed through the door. The man sitting at the reception looked up at me and smiled.

"How can I help?" She asked.

"I'm here to inquire after a Caitlin Reed." She turned to the computer and began to type something.

"What relation are you to her?"

"Oh, I'm not related to her. I am actually one of the people she assaulted." The woman looked up at me with shock.

"And you still came to find out how she is?" I shrugged and smiled.

"My dad insisted."

"Well... she was released this morning. Not enough evidence to convict her of anything. She has received an official warning though. If anything likes this happens again she will be convicted."

"Great." I said, hoping the dread could not be heard in my voice. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," she replied, her eyebrows furrowed. She obviously thought I was crazy but I didn't stay to convince her otherwise.

I had to warn Laura!

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now