Chapter Twenty-five

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Summer was over. It was kind of depressing actually because it meant I had to get back to real life and a university that would only serve to remind me of Harry. And it meant less time with Laura.

The last week before school started back had been full of impromptu dates and make out sessions that made my knees weak. It had been hard to force myself out of bed this morning and I was feeling the effects of too many late nights.

If I could buy a coffee somewhere I'd be on track and could probably stay awake through all three lectures scheduled for today. If not... well, let's just hope it didn't come to that.

At least dad let me use his car, if he hadn't I would have been forced to take the bus and that would have meant getting up even earlier.

It was early enough that there was little traffic on the roads and I was grateful, I was running a little late but was making up for it now as I sped down the road.

I pulled into the student parking area and was suddenly hit by a memory of Harry on his first day of Uni.

We sat in the car, watching as people streamed into the building. I kept throwing him anxious glances but he didn't seem to notice.

That was unusual. Harry had always been very in tune with peoples feelings and for him to not notice was weird.

"Are you okay?" I asked, touching his arm gently. He made a visible effort to concentrate on me.

"Sorry, I'm just nervous," he reassured me. I wasn't sure if he was truthful but he flashed me a grin that calmed my nerves. "It's all so strange and new, I'm just not used to it," he chuckled softly, "I bet by next week you'll be fed up hearing about this place."

I smiled, and nodded with him. It was good to see him back to his old self, making sure everyone else was okay before worrying about himself.

We sat in silence after that, until all the smartly dressed new students, and shabbily dressed old students had disappeared into the tall, imposing building.

"You should probably go in," I said, worried that he would miss something important.

He shook his head, "no, not yet." The words were unusual and made me think... was he waiting for someone?

He had paid attention to many of the people as they passed but I had assumed he was seeing if he knew anyone, maybe I'd been wrong. Perhaps he'd been watching for someone.

He smiled at me again but this time it was a little off. Not as bright or happy as before, an edge of uncertainty in his normally cheerful eyes.

"What is it?" I asked, but he just shook his head and turned away again, leaning his head against the window.

"He will be here, he said he would," I heard him mutter, but he hadn't meant me to hear so I pretended I hadn't.

We waited for a further twenty minutes but no one turned up. Finally Harry gave up but he didn't go into the university. He reversed the car and we drove home in silence.

I felt sick and full of guilt. I'd never asked who he was or why Harry had ran straight up to his room when we arrived home and refused to emerge until the next morning. I sat in the car, my head in my hands and cried quietly into them.

A light tapping on my window made me jump and I stared at the blurry form through a veil of tears. It gestured to me but I couldn't see it properly so I wiped my eyes and peered out the window again.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now