Chapter Thirty-five

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The drive was agonising. My heart was pounding like a drum and my palms were sweaty. I had to force my attention onto the road and away from the stunning woman sitting beside me.

I glanced at her for a second and her eyes met mine. I saw the desire burning in them and couldn't look away.

"The road," Laura whispered, "don't crash."

I tore my gaze from her and tried to keep my attention on the road. The throb just below my stomach was extremely distracting, almost more so than Laura herself. To make things worse every bump on the road generated friction in my jeans. I could barely hold myself together. I'd never been this horny in my life.

"Lilly," Laura said, her voice low and ragged, "do you think you could speed up?"

"Um... yeah," I pressed down on the accelerator until I could shift up a gear and keep going at that pace.

My heart was now going so fast I was scared I would pass out. My whole body was tense as I tried to keep my instincts under control. Laura was suffering from the same dilemma, her fists clenched so tightly they were turning white. I looked away from her again, not wanting to push myself too far.

Luckily for both of us we were drawing near her street and would soon be pulling up to her house.

The fluttering of nerves began in the bottom of my stomach but I chose to ignore them. It wasn't hard. Perhaps later it would be but for now I could forget about it and I was glad. I was sick of everything embarrassing me and stopping me from doing what I'd wanted to for so long. Well it would no longer. I was going through with this, no matter how nervous it made me.

What was she going to do to me though? Would she expect me to do something back? That was a stupid question, of course she would. What if I couldn't do anything? If I couldn't turn her on or make her feel anything, what would I do then?

'Stop thinking like that!' I told myself, firmly. I would be fine. She'd show me what to do, and, even if I couldn't touch her properly, she would do it herself. See, nothing to worry about.

My stomach clenched painfully but I ignored it. I was going through with this, no matter how awkward or nerve-wracking it was.

I pulled up outside Laura's home and shut off the engine. We sat in silence for a second, then she unclipped her seatbelt and reached over to unclip mine.

"Come on," she said gently, as though she understood, "let's go inside."

I smiled over at her and got out of the car. She took my hand as we walked and squeezed it comfortingly. I smiled again, and felt very grateful. I wasn't sure if everyone would be as understand as Laura, especially when they were desperate. And I was pretty sure she was desperate. I hoped she was at any rate, that would make this all much easier.

Once we got inside we took off our shoes and coats and Laura led me, still holding my hand, to the bedroom. My heart pounded so hard I was certain it would come flying out my chest at any point.

Laura sat down on the bed and pulled me down into the space beside her.

I was tense, sitting stiffly and trying to get my nerves under control. Laura noticed and wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me against her so the sides of our heads were touching.

"Don't worry, you'll be great," she whispered. "Everyone's like this the first time."

I didn't know what to say, so I simply sat there and listened to her breathing. After a while Laura spoke again.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Because if you don't, we can wait."

I looked across at her, her face only an inch or two from mine. Her eyes were burning with a fire she was apparently fighting to keep under control, and as I viewed it I felt my nerves slip away. I wanted to do this, I really did.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now