Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up warm and comfortable. With the clock reading five fifty-three I decided to go back to sleep. I snuggled deeper into the duvet and my hand touched something warm and soft. I pulled back quickly and rolled over.

Laura's sleeping face greeted me, her soft black hair falling across it. Her eyes were closed, she looked peaceful and absolutely beautiful.

I felt confusion nudge at the back of my brain. What was she doing in my bed?

My mind went back to the night before and I vaguely remembered her coming into my room saying something about a nightmare. I must have let her sleep here.

My heart raced as I looked at her, I couldn't help it, she was too gorgeous! My gaze fell upon her slightly open mouth. Her breathing was soft and light and her lips plump and a light pink colour. They looked soft and I found myself wondering what they tasted like.

I even moved closer to her and tilted my head to gain better access. Then I caught myself and pulled back, my thoughts spinning.

I had wanted to kiss her... I had wanted to kiss her!

That was normal, wasn't it? Everyone felt attracted to beautiful women... didn't they?

The crystal had chosen her so this was to be expected, I was supposed to want to kiss her, hell, I was supposed to fall in love with her!

Apprehension sat in the bottom of my stomach, mixing with the darts of happiness and the warmth of safety. Love was a long way off yet, nothing to worry about for a while. That though settled me and I turned away from Laura and closed my eyes.

I was drifting off when a hand touched my hip. I was instantly awake as the fingers rubbed gently against my skin, creating goosebumps. The warmth penetrated me, filling me with happiness and content. I tensed as Laura slid her other arm under me and pulled my body against hers.

I stiffened even further then slowly relaxed as I realized her breathing was still deep and even, she was fast asleep.

Her body moulded against mine, fitting so perfectly against my own it felt as though we'd been made for each other.

I lay perfectly still, just enjoying the feeling of her chest rising and falling against my back and the slight tickling of her breath against my neck. It acted like a lullaby and I slowly sank back into the depths of sleep.


The next time I woke the deep, evenly spaced breathing had been replaced with soft, light breaths which indicated she was awake. Another clue was the way her heart was racing, I could feel it pounding like a drum against my back. Her arm was still under me but the hand that had held my hip was gone.

I lay perfectly still, trying to control my breathing so it sounded as though I was still asleep and not savouring the warmth of her body and the softness of her skin.

I must have given some sign that I wasn't still deep in my sleep as she pulled her arm out from under me and whispered:

"I know you're awake, and I'm sorry about that, I don't know what happened. I swear I didn't mean it, I just woke up and we were like that, and I tried to pull away from you but you were asleep and I didn't want to-" I breathed in deeply, gathering my courage. Then I rolled over and pressed a finger to her lips. She stopped mid-babble and I smiled.

"Don't be sorry... I-" My face burned red and I wanted nothing more than to run away, but I wanted to get it out. "I- I didn't mind, I- liked it..." I trailed off and hid my face in my pillow, wishing the ground would open and swallow me.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now