Chapter Fifteen

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"Are you okay?" I asked. Anne glared at me.

"Obviously not! I just spent the last twenty-four hours in a hospital because I lost my baby! Do you think I'm okay?" She spat the words at me. They cut deeply but I didn't let it show.

"Sorry, that was a stupid question."

"Yes it was!" Anne snapped, "just like everything else that comes out your mouth." I swallowed back a retort and left the room, not trusting myself to stay quiet. Mum followed me out.

"Don't listen to her." She told me, "she's hurting and she doesn't mean it."

"I know mum, I just wish-" I stopped, not sure what I would say next. What did I wish? That this hadn't happened to her or that she wasn't taking it so badly? If I was honest it would have been much worse if she'd come home and acted as though nothing had happened and the baby had never existed. This fact, however, was hard to remember when everything you said was being mocked and your feelings, already worn, were torn to shreds.

I retreated up the stairs to the sanctuary of my room.

I spent the whole morning there and much of the afternoon too.

I was engaged in a text battle with Tanya about who would win in a fight between a werewolf and a vampire. I was arguing the werewolves side and throwing in some valid points even if I was losing.

Lilly: A werewolf is only one person! It's not fair for them to be classed as two separate things when they are both the same person!

Tanya: They key word being 'both'! They can take on two forms which is hardly fair on poor Edward!

Lilly: Poor Edward? He is hardly at a disadvantage! He can't be killed by anything other than complete disembowelment and even then he could return if not suitably cremated!

Tanya's vampire had taken on the form of none other than Edward Cullen, the completely invincible creation of Stephanie Meyer. Tanya informed me that if I didn't like Edward then I must be 'Team Jacob'. Personally I always favoured Alice but didn't care to mention this.

Tanya: Yes but your wolf has claws designed to tear him to shreds, coupled with human instincts and an uncanny ability to heal within seconds makes for a pretty formidable opponent.

Lilly: I do suppose you're right, poor Edward would have no chance :D

Tanya: I never said that!

My laughter was interrupted by a sharp pain in my stomach. It protested loudly, demanding a dinner and I couldn't refuse.

I'd already skipped lunch and to avoid another meal would be too much.

I heaved myself off my bed and followed the delicious smell to the kitchen. I stuck my head around the door and was relieved to see only my mum there.

"Where's Anne?" I asked entering the room and leaning against the counter.

"She and Eric went out for a walk. I told them to."

"Oh, and is she still, you know, upset?"

"Of course she is Lilly! Her baby just died!" Mum sighed exasperatedly.

"Sorry." I said, once again feeling like no one cared.

"I'm sorry Lilly..." Mum ran a hand through her hair, "it's just stressful and I'm tired, I didn't mean to snap."

"It's okay." I said and went to help her carry plates to the table. "Everyone's pretty touchy right now, I understand."

Mum opened her mouth to reply but was cut off as the front door opened. Anne was back. Maybe she'd calmed down, maybe she would be nice now?

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now