Chapter Three

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I stood rooted to the ground. I wanted to chase after Laura but couldn't bring my feet to move. What right did I have to force myself upon her? She was my teacher and probably had a boyfriend. I would be very surprised if she didn't; someone that beautiful couldn't be single.

Tears rolled down my face. I'd found who I was looking for but if she didn't listen to me what could I do? How would I ever see her again?

Depressed, I left the room and wandered slowly down the corridor

I didn't want to end up like Harry. I didn't want to die... but I also didn't want to ruin someone else's life. I didn't want to force her into this and make her do something she'd regret. Plus there was probably rules against dating pupils. Even if they were no longer actually a pupil for all of ten minutes now.

She wouldn't even be interested, more likely than not she was straight. Most people were. One thing I could say without doubt was that she was not single. Someone who looked like that couldn't be. Not to mention how smart she was. I stood no chance.

I walked dejectedly down the road. I was no longer crying but had missed the bus so I had to walk the mile(ish) to a public bus stop. I didn't care, usually I enjoyed walking and maybe it would help to clear my head.

I'd only gone a few steps when a car slowed beside me. I didn't bother to look up, just kept walking; I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Lilly." I looked then, surprised to hear Miss Hart's voice.

"What do you want?"

"I'm sorry I ran out; I had to leave."

"It's okay," I replied simply, then headed further along the path. The car followed.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I bit my lip hard, trying to ignore the tears once again streaking down my cheeks. I shouldn't be crying(!) but I didn't want to die and I didn't want her to either. Most of all, I didn't want to destroy my family.

"Why are you upset?" She asked, sounding like she actually cared; which twisted at my insides.

"I'm not," I lied, hiding my face from her. "I'm fine, I told you."

"You obviously aren't," she stated, then (when I didn't reply) added, "Look, can I give you a ride home? You shouldn't be walking these streets alone."

"I'll be all right."

"I won't leave you alone until you agree. I'll follow you the whole way home if I have to." She threatened. I stared in disbelief, then got in the car beside her. She grinned at me. "Great."

I sat, looking sullenly out the window, refusing to meet her gaze. I was acting like a toddler, I knew, but I couldn't bring myself to look at her. I should be talking, getting to know her better, trying to get her to like me. I had to do that to live, but I just couldn't.

"Where do you live?" She asked.

"The other side of town." I addressed the glass, still not looking at her.

Everything went silent after that, the only sound coming from the engine and our breathing.

I dared a look when I was sure she wouldn't notice. At first glance she appeared to be calm, yet the hardness around her eyes and the tightness of her fingers on the steering wheel spoke differently. She was angry about something, or stressed, but still managed to look unbelievably beautiful.

Miss Hart shifted slightly in her seat and somehow I managed to tear my gaze from her, before she could catch me staring.

She sighed. "Lilly, I really am sorry. I just couldn't hang about."

"It's fine." I could feel her eyes on me, "really! I couldn't care less what you had to do!" I snapped. "It's none of my business anyway!"


I sighed. Why was she being so stubborn?

More importantly, why did I care?

There was a certain level a teacher should feel for her pupil and this exceeded that. It was as though a friend were sitting there, upset by my actions, subsequently causing me upset and giving me the intense urge to make it right.

Generally the truth was the best option. However in this case I couldn't use that, not when the truth was so insane. Especially not when I hardly knew her. Correction, not when I only knew one side of her. I was doing the best I could. So I sat tight and kept my lips sealed.

The drive was long and awkward, the silence cutting into me. My eyes slide across to her every few minutes and with every glimpse my resolve slipped a little more. Finally I couldn't bear it any longer.

"What was it you were going to say back at the school?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does. Come on, tell me." I pleaded. I watched her and thought she would refuse me. As I was giving up hope she turned her head to look at me.

"You heard me, didn't you?" She said, "inside your head."

I sat silently for a second. I knew what I wanted to say but I couldn't.

"No." I didn't quite meet her eyes. She glared at me and then said, "so you don't hear me then? You're not the one I need to find?"

I shook my head at her. My curiosity was piqued though. 'The one she needs to find?'

"You do hear me!" She sounded annoyed.

"No, I don't!" I snapped.

"Yes." Then she was inside my head and whispering, "I know you can hear me. Come on, just admit it. It'll be easier for both of us if you do."

I fought to stop myself from showing any facial expression. "No."

Lilly glared at me and, still in my head, hissed, "fine, be like that!" Then out loud she added, "You're completely denying it?"

"Of course I can't hear you, you freak! No one hears voices in their heads without being psycho!"

"We're here," she announced emotionlessly.

I pulled over to the edge of the road and stalled the engine. I felt bad for snapping like that and half wanted to apologise. I decided to wait, not wanting to give in so easily.

Lilly was rummaging in her pocket, eventually producing what appeared to be an old receipt.

"Do you have a pen?"

I handed her one and she wrote something on the paper.

"Here's my number," she handed both the pen and the paper to me, "in case you change your mind."

She slipped out the door, closing it gently behind her. I sat, staring at the paper in my hand.

"That must be the strangest way I've ever gotten a number," I told the air. Then I drove away.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now