Chapter Nineteen

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"Lilly!" Mum yelled, "there are letters here for you!"

I jumped off my bed, discarding the book I'd been reading and ran down the stairs. As soon as I saw the envelopes I knew they were from the universities I'd applied to. I grabbed them from mum's outstretched hand and turned and headed back up the stairs.

I phoned Tanya then Sheridan because we'd sworn we'd open our letters together. Sheridan wanted to be an artist, Tanya planned to become an accountant and I was hoping that I could become a teacher.

The letters seemed to burn holes into my eyes as I waited for the two of them to arrive. They were begging me to open them, tempting me with their black curvaceous writing.

I was at breaking point when the doorbell rang and raced to let Tanya and Sheridan in.

"Hey guys, come in!" I said, practically pulling them inside.

"Impatient enough?" Sheridan laughed and I had the grace to blush.

"Sorry but I really want to find out!" I was bouncing on my toes as I ushered them up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Miss Hart is hiding in here somewhere isn't she?" Tanya asked, looking around curiously.

"No, why?" I asked, confused.

"She's not hiding under the covers or in your bathroom?" Sheridan continued, joining in the search.

"No!" I yelped, suddenly catching on and hitting Tanya on the head, "God! Why would you think that?"

"Well, you were looking pretty intimate when I walked in on you a few days ago so-"

"Shut up!" I snapped, my face bright red. "Can we just open these?"

"What if she jumps out on us and-"

"Stop!" I moaned, "please!"

"But it's so fun!" Tanya laughed and I grimaced at her.

"No it's not!" I whined.

"It is!" Tanya retorted but decided to give it a rest, "let's open them then."

We sat on my bed, me ignoring the looks Sheridan and Tanya shot each other, and laid out our letters.

"Okay so... we should just go for it." I said nervously. Tanya scoffed and grabbed her first envelope and ripped the lip off. Sheridan and I quickly followed, me with rather more caution than the other two.

"I got in!" Sheridan squealed while I stared down at my own letter. A rejection letter. My stomach twisted painfully as I stared at it and, to my horror, I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. I'd been waiting for this moment for years and I'd failed, I hadn't been accepted.

"I didn't get in." Tanya said, her voice strong and uncaring. "What about you Lilly?" She asked, and they both focused their gazes on me.

"Neither did I." I whispered, trying my hardest to copy Tanya's tone but failing miserably.

"That's okay L, they're idiots not to take you. I bet you'll get into the next one." Sheridan said reassuringly and I smiled and nodded, forcing the tears down.

"Let's open them then!" I said and reached for the second envelope.

"I got in!" Tanya squealed, her face a picture of radiant happiness. "I got in! I got in!"

"So did I." Sheridan added, her excitement rather more contained.

"I didn't." I sighed, this time no tears came to my eyes and the blow meant nothing. Sheridan shot a look at me, making sure I was okay, but apparently saw nothing to cause her concern.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now