Chapter Twenty-eight

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When I woke up Lilly wasn't in the bed beside me.

I shifted a bit, trying to be inconspicuous in case she was watching and determined that she was definitely not under the covers with me.

I yawned and made a pretence of waking up and stretching. I made sure to flash some stomach, just in case she was watching.

I sat up and, trying not to be too obvious, looked across the room. She wasn't there.

My brow furrowed in confusion. Where could she have gone?

Then I noticed her clothes weren't where she'd dumped them last night and pain disbanded my uncertainty.

She'd left without telling me, without even leaving a note. She'd left really early too I found out, with a quick glance at my phone. She must have been desperate to get away from me. What had I done?

I thought back to last night and remembered - with a sinking heart - how I'd told her to take off her clothes and she'd blushed and been uncomfortable and had not wanted to.

But I'd made her and now I felt horrible. She must hate me. I had forced her to do something she obviously didn't want to and now she'd left.

"Why do you always mess everything up!?" I asked myself, dropping my head into my hands with a groan.

Tears pooled in the corners of my eyes and collected on my fingers as I tried to bring myself under control.

It was okay, I just had to apologise and everything would be great again.

Or what if she couldn't trust me again? Or refused to forgive me? What would I do then? I wasn't sure I could just go back to my normal life any more.

I could see myself falling for her, I knew I wasn't far off it now. Maybe it was better to have it end now, before I could get seriously hurt. Perhaps I should let her live her life hating me and save myself the pain.

"Laura?" Her melodic voice floated across the room and I glanced up, "what's wrong?" She asked, rushing over to my side and wrapping her arm around my waist.

I just shook my head. I couldn't voice my thoughts. I was too ashamed of them. How could I be so selfish and hurt this beautiful woman? How could I even think about leaving her when I knew it would cause her pain? To keep myself from getting hurt?

"Come on baby," she said, her hands rubbing against my skin comfortingly, "you can tell me. Is it your hand, or your side, do they hurt?"

I shook my head and my tears just fell faster.

"Sweetheart you can trust me, I promise, just tell me what's wrong."

I wrapped my arms around her and sobbed into her neck. I hated myself for thinking those thoughts, for even contemplating hurting her. What sort of girlfriend was I?

I was sitting on her lap, without quite knowing how I'd gotten there, and she was slowly calming me down. As she did I began to see how odd this must look to her, me crying over apparently nothing. I couldn't tell her why though, no matter what.

"Are you okay now?" Lilly asked, I nodded and she kissed me gently on the cheek. "What upset you?"

"Nothing, I was just PMSing," I smoothly lied.

She met my eyes and said, "bullshit."

I was shocked, she rarely swore, but I got over it quickly and instead became offended.

"Excuse me?"

"Bullshit. You're lying."

"How can you possible know that?"

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now