Chapter Twenty-six

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Tears welled up in my eyes and I clutched my mothers arm tightly, too tightly. I was hurting her. Immediately letting go I ran a hand through my hair, messing up the carefully styled blonde waves.

"Which hospital?" I asked, my voice sounding incredibly calm. In reality I was freaking out, my brain working overtime as I tried not to picture Laura lying on the road, her body bloody and mangled.

"St. Lewis." I could have smiled at the memory that conjured but my worry was too great.

Laura sitting in her car, staring out the window at the brightly twinkling stars with a cute little frown on her face. How that frown had soon been transformed into a smile as I teased her. How much it meant that she had phoned me instead of anyone else. One, or all, of these things would have brought a grin to my face on any other day.

Just not today.


The traffic was a nightmare! I was forced to sit in ques for nearly an hour to cover a distance that would normally take just under ten minutes. With every second that trickled by my body grew tenser and my thoughts became more wild.

By the time I had parked outside the hospital I had almost convinced myself I would find her unconscious and connected to life support, with a less than ten percent chance of survival.

"I'm here to see Laura Hart," I informed the woman who sat behind the desk.

"Room six, wing two," she mumbled, sounding exhausted.

"Thank you." I hesitated only long enough to spit the words out before running in the direction she'd indicated.

Part of me knew that if I was allowed to see her she wasn't in too bad a state but I would not be satisfied until I saw her. If I did would I know for certain she was okay and could stop worrying, until then... well, I couldn't!

I pushed open the door to room six with such force that three of the four humans within looked up at me with a start.

The room was small and Laura lay on the bed with a huge grin on her face. Sitting in a chair beside her bed was a woman with shoulder length red hair-that was very obviously from a bottle- and pretty green eyes.

Sitting on the floor playing with a toy train was a little boy who had tufts of fluffy blond hair. Beside him, with his own toy train in hand, was a man who, if I was honest, scared me a little.

He had short hair that was barely there, just covering the top of his head with black stubble. He was chunky, with muscle rather than fat, and his bright blue eyes seemed to stare through me.

I tried not to focus on him and smiled at Laura.

"Hey," I said, between pants. I was still tired from running all the way here from the office.

"Hi," she grinned, "are you okay?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" I joked after getting my breath back.

"I'm fine," she said airily, "just broke my wrist and cut my side, nothing too bad."

"You forgot the concussion," reminded the woman who sat beside her bed.

"You have a concussion?" I asked, my brief few seconds of relief forgotten.

"I feel fine," Laura repeated, glaring at the woman. I frowned at her.

"What did the doctor say?"

"He said I'm fine, like I told you!"

"You know I'll check so don't bother lying to me." I threatened and she relented.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now