Chapter Nine

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It had been a few weeks since the 'phone incident' but Caitlin was still holding it against me like a dog with a bone. Whenever I wanted to go out with friends or my sister she would sigh and mutter something about leaving her hanging again.

Then I'd have to fuck her before I was allowed to leave. The sex was fine, but it was starting to feel more like a chore than something to enjoy. Nevertheless it was a relationship and I was damn well going to make the most of it.

I'd been trading texts with Lilly every day and we only became closer. She hadn't brought up the crystal thing for which I was grateful.

I'd been thinking a lot about that. I ran over the conversation again and again in my head, picturing Lilly's face as she'd said those things. Not once had the look of absolute certainty slipped from her. She had not faltered. She'd looked absolutely certain.

I couldn't get the image of her face as she'd said I'd made her crystal glow green out of my head. She had seemed to be feeling a mix between happiness, determination and something else I couldn't quite pin down. Pride?

Lilly: Hey! I was wondering if you wanted to go to a spa with me on Saturday? I just need to get away from the house for a bit.

I would kill to get out of here for a day.

Laura: I'd love too.

I needed to relax. All the pressure from Caitlin and the sneaking around to hide how much time I spent sending Lilly texts was taking it's toll. I was stressed.

Lilly: How about I pick you up at ten?

Laura: Sure, will I have to bring anything?

Lilly: Just a swimming costume... and directions to your house or something?

Laura: Do you have a satnav?

Lilly: Yeah

Laura: Put in 127 Florence Avenue, and you'll find me.

I slid out of bed, being careful not to wake Caitlin, and went over to my wardrobe. I had a sinking suspicion that I only owned bikinis and that feeling was soon justified.

Laura: I don't have a full swimming costume. Will a bikini be okay?

I made myself some coffee and sat on the sofa, settling down to watch a movie. It was a mindless action film and I soon became lost in it.

I only looked away from the screen when Caitlin came into the room yawning widely.

"Good morning," I said.

"Mornin'." She replied flinging herself onto the couch beside me. She cuddled into my side and I wrapped an arm around her.

Caitlin leaned up for a good morning kiss and by the end of it I was on my back with her hand up my top. I sighed, knowing where this was going.

Why couldn't we just have a normal good morning kiss and not have it ending with us sleeping together?


She wanted to wear a bikini. A bikini! Was she trying to kill me?

Every time I tried to reply an image of her wearing a bikini flashed unbidden in front of my eyes and my heart rate accelerate a million times.

I imagined her in a black one, which stood out against pale skin. In a striking red one which looked fabulous. The worst was a white one which she had already been swimming in and was almost translucent.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now