Chapter Seven

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I woke feeling sick for the second morning in a row. Not wanting to hurl over my bed again, I clawed my way out of the covers and ran to the nearest bathroom.

I flung myself at the door but it was locked and I only succeeded in adding a bruised wrist to the list of things that had gone wrong in the past couple of days. I hammered the door with my uninjured hand, and heard retching inside.

"Let me in!" I yelled desperately, "I'm going to be sick!" There were a few more coughs from inside then my dad's deep, gravely voice replied,

"I'm being sick so go find your own toilet." It was supposed to come out as a snap but he couldn't muster the energy and it came out as more of a whine.

I could feel bile rising in the back of my throat.

I ran down the stairs and along a hallway to another bathroom.

I could managed only to open the door and lift the toilet lid before everything came up.

When I finally lifted my head from the toilet pan the room was spinning and I was breathing heavily. I felt the acid burning the back of my throat as I swallowed, trying to get rid of the horrible taste.

I gripped the side of the toilet bowl tightly as another wave of nausea hit. I was sick again and again, at times fearing for my life when I could not pause to breathe.

It eventually ended, my heart flutering in my chest like a trapped bird desperate to get free.

Someone flung open the door and I was just able to get out of the way before Tara was sick all over the floor. She heaved and gasped until there was nothing left. My own stomach lurched at the sight but I ignored it.

Tears were running down her face and dripping into the mess she'd created. I stood and made my way around the pool of vomit towards her.

I reached her and she threw her arms around me and I held her tight as her tiny body was wracked with sobs. After a while she leaned back so I released her.

"You okay?" I asked. She nodded and I stood up, pulling her with me. "Come on then, lets get you cleaned up and back to bed."

I made her sit on the couch and sip from a glass of water while I filled a hot water bottle for her.

Once I'd tucked her up in bed and arranged a basin beside it, I took a floor mop from the cupboard and cleaned the bathroom floor.

Then I went back to bed and tried to ignore the sounds of my family being ill.


When I woke again I felt much better. Judging by the silence everyone else was still asleep.

I got dressed and brushed my teeth to get rid of the taste which seemed to have grown ten times worse as I slept.
I was going down the stairs when it hit me like a punch in the guts. I was closer to the kitchen than anywhere else so I ran there as fast as I could. I didn't make it.

As I cleaned up vomit for the second time that morning I wondered what had made us all so ill.

There was the possibility of a bug but the most obvious solution was food poisoning. No one had been unwell before and we'd all suddenly become ill in the space of a night, it was the obvious solution.

If it was food poisoning then it had to have been something at lunch as that was all I ate. Which meant Miss Hart would probably get it.

I had to text her.

I ran upstairs again and regretted it as soon as I stopped. I hadn't thought there was anything left to come up but I was wrong.

I went slowly from the toilet to my room. I found my phone quickly and sent a message.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now