Chapter Forty-five

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"Do you want me to come with you?" My gorgeous girlfriend asked, her bag already hanging off one shoulder, an apple in her hand.

"No, you're ready to go and you've missed enough lectures. Plus I'm a big girl, I can look after myself." I stuck my chest out to appear tougher but it only succeeded in Lilly's eyes becoming fixed on my breasts. "Hey perv," I nudged her and she glanced up at me, then laughed.

"I can't help it, they look so good pushed out like that," she kissed me then turned to leave.

I was left staring after her, my mouth hanging slightly open. What happened to the blushing girl I knew? I would be lying if I said her confidence didn't turn me on but it was quite a change and took me by surprise.

"Sweetie, isn't my daughter waiting for you in the car?" Mrs Daniels asked, coming into the hallway behind me with a basket of laundry.

"Shit, you're right!" I scrambled with my handbag until it sat comfortably on my arm then nodded goodbye to Lilly's mother as I half ran out the door.

I climbed into the car beside the blonde and dumped my bag in my lap.

"I need a workout, Jesus! I can't wait till tonight!"

"Karate?" Lilly asked, her eyes on the road.

"Yup," I grinned. "It's been too long."

"You had that bandage on for ages," Lilly commented.

"I know," I complained, "I feel so free now! And I bet you enjoy it too," I winked at her and was relieved to see a blush creeping up her neck.

"Do you think I could come to your class tonight?" She asked, changing the subject before I could further embarrass her.

"The karate one?" She nodded. "Of course. You're in luck too. We only started a couple of weeks back so I'll be able to catch you up on the basics with a bit of one on one," I winked at her.

"I'd like that," she admitted quietly and I chuckled.

"Maybe when you get good we can fight," I teased. Her eyes widened and she glanced over at me.

"That would be so hot!" She exclaimed, "we could wrestle and stuff! Why didn't you think of that before? Why didn't I?" Her face was filled with excitement.

"Woah, woah, babe, I was joking. I don't want to fight you."

"It wouldn't be serious. Play fighting. It would be kind of like foreplay," she grinned, "playing dirty, in both senses."

I ran my hands through my hair, trying to sort out my feelings. Hearing her say all this was making me horny as hell but she was acting so differently to usual. I didn't know what to make of it. I liked it but it also made me feel slightly nervous. Maybe next she'd want more control. I liked being in control, I rarely allowed girls to possess me. I'd only let Lilly so far because I knew she wasn't that confident and needed the boost, plus she had to learn. I wasn't too sure I wanted this new Lilly dominating me.

I thought about it for a while, then decided I didn't mind. It turned me on and I trusted her. It would be fine. Well, not fine, rather amazing and incredibly hot.

"I don't even know why I need to be here," I complained when Lilly dropped me off at my house. "Can't he just look at it himself?"

Lilly laughed, "baby I'm sure there are reasons. Trespassing or something."

"Still," I sulked, "the police didn't need me here."

"That's different though," she leaned over and kissed me, "you know it is."

I nodded, admitting defeat. A blue car stopped in front of us and a tall man with thinning hair and a clipboard got out.

"That's me," I kissed Lilly again on the lips, then the tip of her nose, "I'll see you tonight."

Lilly nodded and I got out. She pulled away and I watched her go before turning to the man.

"Darrel Thomson," he shook my hand firmly. "Is this the property?"

"Yes," I led him to the door and unlocked it. The police had locked it, even thought there wasn't much point when there was nothing inside.

"Alright, thank you ma'am," he moved his way through the house, inspecting everything. I wondered why he bothered, it only took a second to see there was nothing here.

I leaned against a wall and sighed. I was impatient and wanted to get to work but I had to stay here while this goon inspected my house despite the fact it that already been done.

Around ten minutes later he came back to me and said, "right, everything adds up. We'll get back to you within the next few days with an amount."

I smiled, pretending not to be irritated by his presence and we locked up.

He drove off but I stayed, staring at my home. It looked almost the same from the outside, if you didn't know what was on the inside. I had to wonder if I'd be able to live here anymore. Everyone has heard those stories about people living in terror after they've been burgled. I'd never viewed myself as a coward, not when it came to that but you never knew.

It made me tense and agitated to think about things like that so I decided to walk. It would make me later for school but that didn't matter, there's was no way for anyone to know how long Darrel had taken.

I shouldered my bag and set off. I needed that work out more than ever.

A/n: sorry it's so short, and boring but I'm going on holiday and I won't be able to write so I thought I wanted to update a little bit.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now