Chapter Six

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I opened my eyes, just a crack and quickly closed them again. It was waaaay too bright. I lay perfectly still and took stock of my body.

I had a raging headache, my stomach was lurching and there was a horrible taste in my mouth. I definitely drank too much last night. Thinking hard, I tried to remember if I'd done anything horrible. Please tell me I hadn't been sick on my mother!

I remembered being at the party and thinking Miss Hart wasn't going to show up. Disappointment had filled me, curling in the bottom of my stomach. I remembered Tanya had forced me to dance with her and then retreating to the second room to find Sheridan. Mr Crawford had shouted me over and told the person he was with to dance with me. I remembered who it was, and the dance and, and... shit... I didn't... oh my god, I was so screwed! I had to call Tanya!

I opened my eyes again and waited for them to adjust. With every wave of sunlight came a sharp stab of pain. When the pain finally subsided enough to allow movement I sat up and promptly vomited over the bed.

Groaning I wiped my mouth then pushed the covers away from me. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Slowly, I pushed myself up and stood shakily, holding the bed.

I scanned the room for my phone but didn't see it. Swallowing painfully, I made my way, very slowly, across the room. Once at the door I slid down it and rested on the floor until I had the strength, and energy, to push myself back up.

I stumbled out the room and along the hallway to the stairs. I had to sit going down them because I was sure I'd fall otherwise. I reached the bottom and made my way along a second corridor to the kitchen which was brightly lit, to my complete dismay.

My mum was sitting at the table, reading a newspaper and consuming a breakfast of cereal. She looked up and saw me holding myself up with the door frame.

"Lilly, you're up!" She exclaimed. "How are you feeling?"

"Not great," I admitted and she smiled at me sympathetically.

"If I were you I'd go have a nice warm shower, but first, drink some water."

"I'm never drinking again!" I moaned, as I sipped from the cup she handed me.

"I seriously doubt that." She said. Then, after a long pause, she added, "You've never been drunk before, sweetie. Are you okay?"

I stood uncertainly, not sure how to answer.

"It was just, you know, part of the fun, a new experience... got a bit carried away."

"I can understand that. Peer pressure can be a good thing sometimes. But when it comes to drinking or drugs, Lilly, don't succumb to it."

"I know mum, but it was all me. No one made me. It was my choice. I was just having fun."


"Can you make me something to eat after I wash?"

"That's fine dear." I was halfway to the door when she suddenly said, "I invited Laura over for lunch." I turned around.

"The nice woman who brought you home last night. She said she knew you."

"Mum, I don't know anyone called Laura."

"You must, dear, she was quite tall and had black hair."

"Lots of people are tall with black hair." I replied, exasperated. My temper was short right now.

"That's strange, isn't it? She left her number so you can call her! I'll just have to find it..." Her voice trailed off as she rummaged around in a drawer of the desk. "Here."

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now