Chapter Thirty-two

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A/n: Sorry for any mistakes or typos. I didn't read this over. I just wanted to update because I feel like I left you all hanging. I hope you still enjoy it.


"Laura?" Lilly said, and I jumped and turned to face her. I'd zoned out, staring across the grass, trying to gather my thoughts.

We'd escaped from the questions that morning and made our way to the park. She'd led me to a bench and we'd sat down. She'd looked at me expectantly and I'd known now was the time.

I'd tried to gather my thoughts when she called on me.

I didn't want to do this. Honestly it scared me shitless but I had to. She needed to know, and if I was truthful I wanted her to know too. I just didn't know how to tell her. Where to start, what to say.

"Laura," Lilly prompted again and my attention snapped back to her.

"Sorry," I said, trying to smile. "Just thinking."

"It's okay," Lilly looked at me with concern. "If you don't want to do this I can-"

"No," I cut her off firmly, "I want you to know."

Lilly smiled and I knew that had been the right thing to say.

"I just don't know how to start," I admitted and she smiled slightly.

"Just start at the beginning," she said and I nodded.

"When my mum came to visit she mentioned someone called Hector," Lilly nodded and I grinned, momentarily amused, "I bet that ate you up inside; not asking." She smiled back.

"Yeah, but I didn't want to pry."

"Thank you," I said and kissed her quickly. "Well he was my father."


"He died a few years ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"I'm not," I said and Lilly opened her mouth to say something. "Shh," I said, holding a hand over her mouth. "Just let me talk."

She mumbled something that sounded like 'okay' so I released her.

"When I was a kid he was the best dad anyone could ask for. He was always there, making sure he played games with us and took us out to parks all the time.

Then we grew up, became teenagers but he was still a great dad. Until on night when I was thirteen. He came into my room after everyone was asleep and woke me up." I stopped feeling the rage building inside me. The absolute horror I'd felt at the time.

"What happened?"

"He... He raped me."

There was silence. I didn't dare look at her, fearing she would react with disgust.

"Was it just the once?" She asked eventually.

"Oh hell no, it continued all through my teenage years. I lost count of how many times."

"Oh god... When did it stop?"

"When I moved out."

"Oh babe, that's horrible."

"Yeah," I agreed, my voice low and rough with unspilled tears.

"Don't cry honey," Lilly said, wrapping her arms around me, "he's not worth it."

"The thing is he is... Or was," I sniffed, "how could he change like that? I don't understand it."

"No one will, L, only he knew."

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