Chapter Ten

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A week. Is that long enough? Will she think I'm desperate phoning her this soon? Will it scare her away? How long do most people leave it? A week? Two? Or even a month? Not a month! Please don't be a month! I'd die!

"I think the milk's off." My mum stated and I snapped back to reality. She was gingerly sniffing the top of the milk carton and now thrust it under my nose. "What do you think?"

"Mum!" I whined, "it stinks!"

"Definitely off." She muttered and turned to dispose of it only to find her way blocked by Anne. "Excuse me."

"Mum, there's something I need to tell you."

"Of course dear, are you sure you're okay?" Anne was as white as a sheet and clutching her stomach.

"No, I'm - it's not sickness - I am ill but what I'm about to tell you will explain why." She gestured to the chair, "it's probably best if you sit down."

Mum looked worried but sat nonetheless.

"I've been sick for a while and I guess you all thought it was because of the food poisoning, but it's not."

"Oh dear god, you don't have cancer, do you?" My mum asked.

"No, mum! Of course not! What the hell made you think that?"

"It's in the paper." She said, "more people than ever have cancer."

"I don't. What I'm going to tell you is a lot happier." She looked from me to my mum with a huge grin on her face. "I'm pregnant!"

"Oh!" My mum squealed and leaped up to hug her. "That's fabulous!"

Anne winced but hugged her back.

"That's great Anne." I said and got up to kiss her on the cheek. "How far along are you?"

"Ten weeks." She grinned. "I've been suspecting for a while but only took the test last night."

"That's great! We all know how much you've wanted one!"

"I know." Her face lit up, "just imagine it. Holding a little baby in your arms, a life you created yourself. What could be better?"

"Holding two." My mum said a wistful smile on her face.

"I'm going for the scan in a couple of weeks. Does the first tell you if you're having more than one?" Anne asked.

"I can't remember, I expect it would. We shall find out, won't we?"

"I can't wait!" Anne squealed, her face lit up, all traces of sickness now gone.

"We'll have to start preparing. Where will it sleep? In your room at first but will you move out? Should we do up one of the spare rooms? What clothes will you need? So much to do!"

"Calm down mum! It's still seven months away." Anne laughed.

"You can never being preparing too early." Mum rushed out the room.

I looked at Anne and we both burst out laughing.

"That woman!" Anne spluttered.

"She's something else." I agreed.

Mum came back into the room with a huge book. It was so big she could barely carry it.

"What's that?" I asked, quickly moving my hand so she wouldn't squash it as she slammed the book onto the table.

"Everything you need to know about having a child." Mum said. "I used it when I had all my children and now you can use it as well."

As mum said this she threw me an odd look. I didn't understand what she wanted at first, then realised she probably wanted me to leave so she and Anne could have some mother-daughter time.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now