Chapter Thirty

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"See you tomorrow," Thomas shouted, and I turned and waved goodbye to him.

"Bye," I shouted back, more as an afterthought than anything else. He half turned and threw me a smile.

I shouldered my heavy bag and made my way wearily through the throngs of parked cars and crowds of students.

Thomas and I had parted ways outside the huge education building at the same time as, apparently, everyone else in the whole place.

I was tired enough as it is, my whole body slumping forwards and my feet aching terribly, without having to force my way through these people. I wanted nothing more than to go home and take a long, hot bath and fall fast asleep.

The day had been long and I'd written more in the last seven hours than I'd managed in the rest of my life. Not only did I have to take notes from the days lectures but I had to catch up on what I'd missed the day before.

Thomas had let me copy his notes and every spare second I'd had had been spent frantically scribbling.

Despite my bone deep exhaustion I was happy.

There was nothing more satisfying than finishing everything you had to do. And, if that weren't enough, I was heading to my beautiful girlfriends house where we would watch some movie whilst eating dinner.

I just hoped she wouldn't put on a horror film like the night before.

I am the biggest wimp you will ever meet and spent the entirety of the movie hidden in Laura's shoulder. I couldn't say I minded too much; it was warm there, and smelled of Laura's faint perfume and I could kiss it whenever I chose.

The few tentative glances I'd dared throw at the screen had caused me to lie awake for hours that night. Even when I did, eventually, drift off my dreams were polluted by crazy old ladies and men wielding axes and hacksaws.

I really had to get her back for that.

I pulled into the space Laura's car used to occupy and turned off the engine. As I climbed out I wondered when her new vehicle was arriving.

It was hard to get about without the use of a car and I didn't know how Laura had managed for these past few weeks. Well, she had been with me for most of it so I'd driven her about, and when it wasn't me her sister would, so she wasn't totally stranded.

It was still annoying though, for her I mean, not me. She'd contacted the insurance agency several times and they promised a new one was on it's way.

It wouldn't arrive soon enough for her, she'd wanted it yesterday, but when it did she would be happy.

I felt the light breeze on my exposed skin as I waited for Laura to answer the door, and smiled. It was a beautiful evening, even though summer was almost at its end and I relished it while it was still here.

All thoughts of the sun and summer were blown from my mind when she opened the door. The instant I looked at her I knew something was wrong.

Her eyes were puffy and rimmed with red. There were dried tear tracks on her face and her clothes were rumpled. Her hair looked as though she hadn't bothered to brush it at all but her right fist was the worst of all.

It was scraped and bloodied, the red liquid oozing from her knuckles.

"Are you okay?" I asked, then wanted to hit myself for asking such a stupid question. Of course she wasn't. "I mean, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine," she told me, moving out of the doorway to let me inside.

"You clearly aren't," I argued, "tell me what happened."

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now