Chapter Eighteen

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"What happened?" I whispered, brushing her tears away with my thumbs.

"I'll tell you later." She said, glancing over my shoulder at Sheridan and Tanya, who were watching us with smirks.

"Okay." I said, and moved to kiss her, only just managing to stop myself. Her eyes flashed with something I couldn't interpret and she smiled at me weakly.

"Sorry." I whispered and she touched my nose gently.

"It's okay." Then she stood up, making me almost fall back onto the floor. "Hi Tanya, Sheridan, how are you?"

"I'm good miss."

"Fine miss." They muttered, looking anywhere but at her.

She smiled at me but within seconds tears replaced it.

"Oh sweetie." I said, hugging her tightly and shooting glares over her shoulder at Tanya and Sheridan who were looking at each other and mouthing 'sweetie'.

"I'm okay." Laura tried to convince me but her voice cracked on the last word and her shoulders still shook.

"Can you two go?" I asked, hoping my words didn't sound too harsh.

"Sure, uh, we'll just... leave." Tanya said, the two backing out the room and, after a few seconds, the door closed with a soft click.

"We'll go too." Mum said, gesturing to Tara.

"No mum, I want to stay and make sure Laura's okay!" Tara protested.

"No Tara!" Mum said, grabbing her hand and dragging her out the room.

We sat in silent for a moment, before I pulled Laura onto the sofa, sitting her in my lap. She was heavy, really heavy actually but it felt so good to have her there that I put up with the weight.

"What happened baby? You can tell me."

"She just came to the house, for revenge she said, she was all beat up." Laura broke for a while, overcome by the tears. "She had a knife and- and she threatened to use it and- I didn't know what to do."

I was shocked beyond words but she continued so I was spared the problem of thinking of something to say.

"I didn't get angry though, and without the anger it's all so god damn scary!"

"I know babe, now you know how everyone else feels all the time."

"I understand that more than you know." Laura said and I frowned. She noticed this and said, "it doesn't mean anything, ignore an old woman's ramblings."

"You're not old." I said. "And you're not rambling. You're allowed to be scared babe, it's normal."

"I know but I hate feeling that vulnerable and, god Lilly, I felt like a child!" Her eyes flashed and I hugged her tightly.

"It's okay."

"I know, but because I didn't feel safe I couldn't stay on my own so I came here. I hope you're not getting fed up of seeing me."

"I could never get fed up of you." I said, gently stroking her hair. It was as soft and silky as I'd always imagined and it seemed to relax her.

"Thanks for putting up with me."

"Anytime." I winked and she hit me playfully.

"Seriously though, it means a lot."

"I don't know why, I'm not really doing anything, just listening."

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now