Chapter Twenty-four

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I was woken suddenly by a loud crash. My heart pounded in my chest and my breathing was short, sharp and panicked. After a long stretch of silence I breathed a sigh of relief and lay back down.

There was a loud, strange whooshing sound and I sat up again curiously. What was that?

I slid out of bed and padded over to the door. I opened it curiously but heard nothing else, there was only the sound of an engine as it drove down the road outside my house. I continued towards the front door and opened it a crack. I couldn't help being cautious, after yesterday anything could happen.

At first I saw nothing, then my jaw fell open as my eyes caught up with what was before them. I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing. The door swung open so I could take in the whole scene.

My car was on fire, the whole thing engulfed in flames that licked and danced across the paintwork. I stood there, frozen with shock. Who would do something like this? What motive could anyone have to set my car on fire?

The trance was broken when I heard a door slam and Lilly ran towards me.

"Laura!" She yelled, "what happened?"

"I don't know." I said, and suddenly sprang into action. "I need to phone the fire brigade."

I dashed back inside and grabbed my phone from where it was charging on my bedroom floor. I dialed the number and paced as it rang.

Lilly appeared at the bedroom door, her face full of concern. I smiled at her and she came over beside me.

"Which emergency service do you require?" The operator asked, in their usual forced calm tone.

"The fire brigade." I replied. Lilly wrapped her arms around my torso and pulled me tight against her. I looped my free arm around her back as I gave the person on the other end the details. The man said they'd be there soon and I thanked him before hanging up.

"Are they coming?" Lilly asked, tilting her head back to look at me.

"Yeah." I whispered and dropped my head to kiss her. She giggled against my lips and the sound made me smile. Then she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me closer. My stomach burned with desire as she pressed her lips hard against mine. My insides were slowly melting as she kissed me into oblivion.

There was a low cough from beside us and we jumped apart, Lilly's face one of complete mortification. Her father was beside us, and the look on his face spoke volumes.

"Sorry Mr Daniels." I said, trying my best not to smile as Lilly tried to hide her blushing red face.

"It's Donald." He said gruffly and I smiled sweetly.

"Okay, I'm sorry Donald."

"Yes, well." He coughed and scratched his forehead. I suddenly realized where Lilly got her painful embarrassment, they resembled each other down to the slight frown between their eyebrows.

There was a long drawn out pause.

"Should we wait outside for them?" I asked, partially to break the silence.

"We might as well." Lilly said and we walked towards the door.

She walked a little ahead of me and her hand swung close to mine with every step. Without thinking I grabbed it and she jumped. She glanced over her shoulder at me and I was sorely tempted to kiss her again but her dad was still there so I managed to refrain myself.

The heat outside was almost unbearable and I was slightly afraid the fire would reach the petrol tank and it would explode but I didn't know how to prevent it so just stood there, squeezing Lilly's hand tightly.She took to rubbing her thumb gently over the back of my hand and it felt as though she was burning a trail into my skin.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now