Chapter Forty-two

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The flight back home wasn't as bad as going in. Maybe because I knew what to expect, or it might've been because I was so tired. Lilly sang me a song - at my request - and it worked like a lullaby, before it was even half over my eyelids were drooping. She ran her hands through my hair, tickling my nose with a few strands.

"You're making me sleepy."

"Why don't you sleep then and I'll wake you when we get there."

"I don't want to," I stretched like a cat, rubbing my eyes. "If I do I wont sleep tonight."

"What are you going to do then?"

"Contemplate the meaning of life," I teased, and she replied with absolute seriousness.

"It's forty-two."

"You've read A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy?" I was surprised, I didn't know she liked that sort of thing.

"Is that what it's from? My brother used to say it all the time. He'd think he was so smart too." She smiled wryly.

"He had good taste," I grinned, and she shook her head with a laugh.

"He definitely didn't, not when it came to clothes anyway. You should see the hideous jumper he bought me for my birthday one year."

"I'm sure it's not that bad."

"It's the most disgusting shade of green you've ever seen in your life and it's covered in tiny balls of colour, which are apparently flower buds."

"Oh," I chuckled, "it is that bad."

"Exactly," she grinned.

"I would've loved to meet him."

"He'd have liked you," she smiled, "he'd have questioned you about everything. He liked intelligent people."

"Are you saying I'm smart?"

"Of course you are, you just act stupid mostly," she teased. My mouth fell open.

"Excuse me? I do not act stupid!"

"Yes you do," she giggled.

"I'm offended," I turned as far away from her as the seat would allow.

"You're a big baby too," she smirked, "I'm probably more grown up than you."

"I'm only like that around you," I admitted, no longer joking, "you make me feel younger. More carefree."

She touched my cheek, her thumb caressing my skin. I turned back to her, staring into her beautiful blue eyes, which were full of happy sparkle.

I love you.

I heard the words in my head but Lilly hadn't said anything, her mouth hadn't moved. I considered the possibility she had used her 'powers' but quickly dismissed it. She'd promised she wouldn't and I believed her. It was just my imagination. The words still filled me with such happiness that I'd have to spend some time later thinking about it. Or perhaps a lot.

"I'm glad." She spoke. Her lips moved. No weirdness in my head this time. I was being ridiculous, my stupid brain making me hear the words I longed for her to say.

Longed for her to say? I wasn't, I didn't. We'd only been dating a few months. I wasn't longing for her to say anything. What the hell was wrong with me today? It must be my lack of sleep. I was going crazy because I was so tired.

Thing is I wasn't even that tired any more.

Fuck, stop!

"What are you thinking about?" Lilly asked.

[First Draft] Crystals (girlxgirl) (studentxteacher) (lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now