the signs' contradictions:

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aries: tough, but very sensitive and emotional

taurus: lazy, but works hard to get what they want

gemini: flighty, but will always be there for people

cancer: self-absorbed, but cares for other people more than themselves

leo: confident, but has self esteem issues

virgo: strict with themselves, but will try anything at least once

libra: "fake", but will be the best friend you've ever had

scorpio: tough, but really needs people in their life

sagittarius: carefree, but is extremely insecure

capricorn: cold, but actually cares deeply about people

aquarius: stoic, but feels things very deeply

pisces: softhearted, but doesn't take shit


these things are so accurate sometimes it's scary

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora