advice for the signs:

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Aries : it's okay to be weak sometimes and to cry, i know you're a warrior but even warrior's are allowed to be weak.

Taurus : you're so much more than you think. you are capable of great things, don't let anyone put you down.

Gemini : it's not easy and it never will be, but you'll get through it and it all will be okay in the end.

Cancer : don't let anyone tell you what to do, you know what's best for you, stop letting others guide you, guide yourself.

Leo : relax. you still have a lot of time, it's alright and you don't have to make decisions quick, take your time.

Virgo : you are wonderful, you are loved and appreciated. i believe you can do this, you are awesome.

Libra : you don't have to fit in to be liked, people will like you for the person you are - you're true self is beautiful.

Scorpio : you have the strength to get through everything, don't give up, there are still better days ahead of you.

Sagittarius : i know sometimes you feel like you fit in nowhere, but you will find your way. be patient.

Capricorn : stop expecting so much from you, take a step back and relax. you can't do everything all at once.

Aquarius : other people do not define you, you do. don't let others take advantage of you, call them out on it.

Pisces : your head might be an awful place to be sometimes but it's also the most wonderful and powerful thing about you.

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora