tag yourself (edition)

353 46 28

- looks like "fight me" but is actually "love me"
- extremely fucking smart like wth
- doesn't care about anyone's emotions unless it's their own
- strive for power
- they'd choose food over ppl any day

- seems chill but is actually a fucking savage
- doesn't believe in emotions
- would fight you for hurting an animal (and for anything)
- actually has an amazing sleeping schedule ???
- very honest

- emotional mess (they never feel anything the right way)
- probably knows more useless shit than you
- actually rly amazing ppl (not two face sided at all)
- doesn't know what sleep is
- socially awkward (most of them)

- looks like "love me" but is actually "fight me"
- doesn't know how to deal with emotions so they don't
- can be extremely selfish
- lives in drama
- most likely to become a serial killer

- very one way thinking mind
- high morals
- doesn't deny they need constant validation
- hard working ppl but can be very lazy
- constantly naps

- looks like they want to kill you, probably does
- suck a fucking nerd
- sleeping schedules so fucked it's like wow
- has a weird book collection
- lover of cuddles

- always in love with someone
- big time music dork
- over emotional
- doesn't know what the fuck is going on most of the time
- such a fucking flirt damn

- tries to be hardcore but are low key cry babies (but they don't fucking care)
- likes dark colors but has a bright personality
- probably reads more books than you
- just wants to be loved
- nice butts

- ready to disappear at any moment
- has seen every strange movie on netflix
- honestly forgets emotions exists
- just wants a 48 hrs nap
- constantly wishing they were someone else

- knows they are better than you
- super duper sensitive
- just wants ppl to stop
- will cut you off without blinking an eye
- mood swings !!!!!!!!

- disappears for a while without explanation
- probably cuter than you
- always turnt
- live in a very gray world when it comes to what's right or wrong
- emotionally detached

- doesn't like dealing with responsibility
- likes music more than they like you
- thrives off to attention tho
- lover of aliens
- refuses to be anyone's #2

i hope this was relatable enough

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora