things to know before dating the signs:

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aries: they don't want you to know that they need you

taurus: they like to be right and don't ever let them down

gemini: they may be flighty, but once they're in love, they stay in love

cancer: they are terrified you will hurt them so they shut you out

leo: they are pessimistic but cannot help but hope for the best from you

virgo: always hug them after a fight

libra: they won't waste their time with someone who isn't willing to put in 100%

scorpio: they will like you more than you will ever like them

sagittarius: they aren't the best at showing their feelings but they will love you more than anything

capricorn: they will be everything you need and expect very little in return, but give everything to them anyway

aquarius: they want to be friends as well as lovers

pisces: never shut them out

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora