reasons to date the signs:

230 31 3

they're super hot
they offer to beat up anyone you don't like
tickle fights
fun as hell

always telling you how cute you are
never forgets to text back
best at hugging!!!
wants to buy you things

you never run out of things to talk about
dank memes
cutest fucking smiles
just wants you to be happy

rlly good kissers
also rlly good at cuddling
will mother you
you'll feel so safe and happy

good hair
random trips to the grocery store
they will INSIST on buying you things
will never ignore you

will take you to a bookstore
loves holding hands with you
will be sooo gentle and soft with you
wants you to do your best

will never pass up the opportunity to compliment you
GREAT kissers
will treat you like royalty
loves the cliche romance shit

they'll stay up late for you
long hugs and neck kisses
might let you win at mario kart
will fight for you

will drive you anywhere you want
fucking hilarious
will be friends with all of your friends
will always think the best of you

are so classy and chivalrous
are too good for you but thinks you're too good for them
will make you cupcakes for no reason
plays with your hair

shares cool wikipedia articles with you
loves you more than they love themselves
will never bore you
makes dank memes

will compare you to beautiful things
will 100% bring you flowers
charms your parents
is so gentle and shy with you

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora