the signs and crushes:

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aries:passive aggressive flirting, might overdo it but it sometimes works out for them, feelings either last a long time or just come and go

taurus:chill about it, doesn't know what's going on, is the happiest when they spend time around who they like

gemini:kinda indecisive, might overestimate just how much they like the person and get into something they end up regretting, but super loving and sweet if it's genuine

cancer:completely lovesick, overthinks everything and might go overboard with jealousy but they have the best intentions

leo:so many flirty jokes, won't tell their crush how they feel but will get upset about being ignored, whiny & annoying about how much they wanna date them but so so happy

virgo:you can never tell with this sign, but the littlest things that their crush does will make their day, tries to keep quiet about it

libra:one of the most flirtatious and affectionate when they're crushing, lots of "casual" touches and deep stares, their feelings hit them hard

scorpio:gets in way too deep, when they like someone suddenly their crush is all they ever talk about, doesn't even seem like the same person bc they're so happy

sagittarius:totally in denial but everyone can tell who they like before they admit it, the type to act on their feelings when it's too late

capricorn:nobody can ever tell if they're crushing because they're so lowkey, but if they really like somebody they give them everything they have

aquarius:doesn't understand how to talk to them about their feelings, tries not to worry about it much in fear of being too overbearing

pisces:a mess tbh but it's kinda cute, looking for something genuine and is willing to put in the effort to make it official if the other person cooperates, always in their feels

ok true my friends knew who i liked before i even knew myself 

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora