tough love for the signs:

641 76 46


Aries: Stop drinking so much damn coffee. You're gonna destroy your teeth.

Taurus: Invite some friends over, you're being too anti-social. YOUR FRIENDS LIKE YOU AND WANNA BE AROUND YOU!!

Gemini: stop worrying what people think of you!!! Worry about what you think of you!!!

Cancer: You're probably holding eight different grudges right now. You don't have to forgive, but you gotta start moving on.

Leo: I know you're passionate, but stop yelling.


Libra: You spend way too much time getting ready in the morning. You look fine, stop making yourself late.

Scorpio: Stop being so damn impulsive. You have good ideas, but stop doing things on a whim.

Sagittarius: If you're upset, talk about it. Stop holding everything inside.

Capricorn: Stop trying to "prove" that you're good enough. Nobody is judging you in the first place!!!

Aquarius: People think you're kinda mean. Stop being all detached and moody and maybe crack a smile sometimes!!

Pisces: You're probably procrastinating right now. Stop it. Do your work.


as ive said before, these things are so accurate sometimes it's scary

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora