the signs as pizza:

670 73 33


aries: Chicago deep dish. They either love you or they hate you (but they mostly love u). Dont let the haters get to you.

taurus: White pizza. A lil plain but you're still loved by a special white pizza squad. It's ok to be simple.

gemini: Hawaiian Pizza. Sweet and spicy and totally unexpected. Keep surprising everyone.

cancer: Classic Pizza. Because everyone loves u exactly the way you are, seriously, stop worrying.

leo: Pizza with Sriracha. Everyone is addicted to your fiery energy, keep burning.

virgo: Sicilian Pizza (Square Pizza). You're a little bit different from everyone else, but your insecurities are what they love most about you.

libra: New York Style. Because you're willing to fold for the people you love. Stay open.

scorpio: Pizza with Pepperoni. You've got your spicy spots but they just make you even better. Don't apologize for who you are.

sagittarius: Frozen Pizza. You will always be there in a flash when someone needs you. And you can always thaw out from the coldest situations.

capricorn: Margherita Pizza. Because you're classy as hell. People feel special when you're with them.

aquarius: Veggie Pizza. Because you've kinda got your shit together. Keep doin you boo.

pisces: Pizza with bacon. Because you're literally magical. Praise u.


i love pizza

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora