something most ppl dont know about the signs:

911 101 79

aries: is super artsy and organized

taurus: can talk for hours

gemini: is really sensitive

cancer: is a giant meme with a great sense of humor

leo: is super polite

virgo: is always very doubtful

libra: makes poop jokes

scorpio: will tell everything to you if they trust you

sagittarius: actually has the worst puns on earth

capricorn: will drop anything to be there for you

aquarius: is a gigantic dork

pisces: will fight anyone who hurts you


@ hayden i was gonna put something about pepe as sagittarius i really was bUt i refrained

cRamPs !! can !! SUck !! my !! ASS !!

-- sophie who is craving all the junk food ever created

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora