a bit of advice for the signs:

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aries; don't tell them everything, mysteries are meant to be solved, let them figure it out.

taurus; stop leaving a piece of you with each person you meet, if they don't give it back when they leave, how will you put yourself back together?

gemini: if you always shine so bright that you blind the people around you, how are they going to see past it when you need them to?

cancer: you aren't a crybaby, or a complainer, it's not bad that you are isolated. how lucky you are to feel everything, while the rest of us are numb.

leo: your eyes sparkle and you smile swoons, you're artwork, don't give yourself away to someone who won't look past the pretty picture.

virgo: there doesn't always have to be a reason that you feel a certain way, somethings aren't meant to be analyzed, feel, then let go.

libra: don't apologize for everything burning down, just because you got caught in the fire, doesn't mean you're responsible for it

scorpio: you're careful and brave, you're what everyone strives to be, don't push them away, one day you might fall on the way up, and you'll need some at the bottom to catch you

sagittarius: you crack jokes to fill in the cracks of your self esteem, you break uncomfortable silences with laughter instead of breaking down, admit your feelings to yourself, validate them.

capricorn: you don't give yourself a break, not mentally, not physically, let yourself recharge because you'll run out of battery soon enough.

aquarius: you're running a constant marathon and you're always winning, don't stop for them, they're not worth it.

pisces: the phrase 'never give up' is circumstantial, you take it too literally. if they don't treat you the way you treat them, cut them off.


zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora