secrets of the signs:

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aries: they're so insecure and scared and they don't know how to handle situations appropriately

taurus: they have serious body image issues and they're terrified of getting hurt

gemini: they spend most of their time thinking about the very worst that could happen in any situation

cancer: they're so much stronger than they look but they still want to be treated like they're weak and fragile

leo: they feel guilty all the time and regret so much, they may not act like it but they take responsibility for everything

virgo: they're afraid of being dumb or incapable so they overcompensate like hell

libra: their self esteem relies too much on other people's opinions, they think they're nothing without people to admire them

scorpio: their mind goes to such dark places, they scare and disgust themselves

sagittarius: they hate being wrong and beat themselves up fiercely when they have to admit they are

capricorn: they had to grow up too fast and are forever trying to loosen up and relive their childhood the way it should have been

aquarius: they're terrified of being unoriginal and boring, and need to believe there's something special about them

pisces: they don't know who they are and will never be satisfied with themselves

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora