what the signs fall in love with:

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aries: selflessness, dark features, working good in teams, sharing things

taurus: familiarity, loyalty, tenderness, sharing relaxing/intimate memories

gemini: the details (sparkly eyes, high fives, clumsy grins, sighs), mysteries

cancer: comfort, the color blue, people with golden hearts and snarky humor

leo: clumsiness, cute laughs, gentle physical contact, messy hair, confidence

virgo: (falls with) time, suits & ties, ponytails, aesthetical prettiness, neatness

libra: playfulness, kept promises, closeness, sharing secrets, caring words

scorpio: winks, funny jokes, meaningful conversations, bright/shining eyes

sagittarius: freedom, late night talks, cute smiles, good style, luscious lips

capricorn: sweetness, cuteness, nice hair, passion, kind & hard working people

aquarius: mind connections, friendship necklaces, super nice sense of humor

pisces: affection, coziness, heated sarcasm and funny stories, inside jokes

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora