signs and their negative truthfulness:

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aries: impulsive, will say things without thinking and therefore prone to insulting by accident.

taurus: blunt and calls people out, they 'tell it how it is' but is prone to publicly humiliating someone causing them to look as bad as their victim.

gemini: talkative, even introverts once you get them going, but once they start they have no filter, might say something mean by accident.

cancer: very observant so if you wrong them they'll bring up all those negative things they noticed from the past and use them against you; then, what can you do because they're not lying, they're just saying what they saw.

leo: too candid. will talk "crap" behind your back but say it to your face later. also prone to publicly humiliate; they want an audience.

virgo: very critical, finds flaws in everyone and no filter with words, will insult you if they don't like something about you, they over glorify their honesty.

libra: very rarely are mean they're pretty passive-aggressive, but if you try to twist their words they'll point out all the things morally wrong with you and your ways, and people are likely to side with them. prone to playing victim.

scorpio: lowkey brutally honest, they can get smug because they know they're right, might twist the truth though.

sagittarius: sarcastically blunt, and a know-it-all with their words, no filter either and don't care much for other people's feelings so when they say something rude they mean it and are probably right.

capricorn: straightforward, forthright, honest but will belittle you with their words if angry, prone to making people feel stupid.

aquarius: have a habit of calling people out unnecessarily (and publicly humiliating) but they most likely call you out with facts and proof yikes.

pisces: kind of bad at lying so they have no choice but to speak the truth. When they do attempt to 'say it how it is' though, they'll be passive aggressive about it so they don't look bad but they do look bad because they're sugar coating / being too indirect.

very fucking true

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora