the signs as sweet couple things:

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aries:playful bantering, mock insults and teasing that neither of you means

taurus:eating each other's food without asking, buying your partner their favorite food for no specific reason

gemini:starting to leave your things at each other's places without noticing it

cancer:always being there for each other as a shoulder to cry on

leo:liking all of each other's selfies, calling your partner when they don't

virgo:hating all the same things/people, but hating them together

libra:staying up until morning talking to each other about anything and everything

scorpio:understanding each other without words, having a connection that runs deeper than what you project on the outside

sagittarius:having a million inside jokes and referencing them in public until people think you're both insane

capricorn:texting each other at 4am about a random fact or article that excited you -- then going on rants together about how cool it is

aquarius:knowing what your partner needs even when they don't say it, taking care of them without being asked

pisces:cuddling together on the couch, using each other's shoulders as pillows when you're tired in public

zodiac astrology Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora