why the signs are beautiful:

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aries: your beauty is compared to the sea, compared to black eyeliner and tiger eyes. Your beauty is young, rich and dark.

taurus: your beauty is compared to pastels, compared to sea shells and glittering heels, your beauty is classic, fresh and timeless.

gemini: your beauty is compared skyscrapers, compared to daises and citrus fruit, your beauty is soft, intelligent and wild.

cancer: your beauty is compared to beach sand, compared to pink blush and soft linen, your beauty is feminine, sweet and angelic.

leo: your beauty is compared to sunshine, compared to neon lights and argyle tights, your beauty is cheerful, lively and sexy.

virgo: your beauty is compared to reflective light, compared to bright blue skies and green shades, your beauty is strong, mystical and peaceful.

libra: your beauty is compared to sweet cream, compared to new jeans and peach tea, your beauty is graceful, desirable and enchanting.

scorpio: your beauty is compared to starry nights, compared to dark eyes and deep reds, your beauty is poetic, dark and enticing.

sagittarius: your beauty is compared to roller coasters, compared to feathers and glass slippers, your beauty is luminous, rare and playful.

capricorn: your beauty is compared to city lights, compared to leather jackets and rich chocolate, your beauty is intimidating, sophisticated and vibrant.

aquarius: your beauty is compared to the rain, compared to willow trees and twinkling lights, your beauty is youthful, adorable and charming.

pisces: your beauty is compared to red roses, compared to lockets and cherry blossoms, your beauty is ethereal, dreamy and light.

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