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*First Person*

Gawd when is the bell going to-*RING RING*. I pack up all my things and head home as quickly as I can. I hope Olivia doesn't catch me before I get home. I start walking home when huge fake tits thrust at me from the forest. "HEY SLUT!" she comes over to me and punches me in the face. "I told you not to come near Ryan today, you cum bucket!". I stand up and give her the deadliest glare that is equivalent to punching a newborn baby. "For your information, which is seriously lacking, that he wanted to borrow a pencil. A FUCKING PENCIL!". She was not saying anything, so I continue. "I am tired of your fucking bullshit. You think everything I do with Ryan has to do with flirting with "Your Ryan"! I don't get why you like him he had sex with almost everyone in our grade, including you double digit iq whore. I am not interested in him the slightes-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She punches me in the gut and I fall on my knees. Seriously, why does everyone have to inturrep-. "YOU ARE A WORTHLESS PEICE OF SHIT THAT SHOULD GO DIE IN A HOLE." Olivia exclaims. And for some reason she looks like she is calming down. Olivia smirks. "Besides no one will miss you, you're just a ugly dwarf that everyone hates." My ears perks up at the word dwarf. AW HELL NAW SHITS GOING TO GO DOWN! Anybody who calls cassie short, shit goes down. Just when was going shout at her, the wind was knocked out of her and she fell backwards onto her side. And while she was still in a daze from the blow, she felt a blow on her face. This continued for who knows how long, I lost count after the 50th blow to her stomach. She really is trying to beat me to death! Move! But no matter how many times she yelled at herself her body will not listen. After a little while the blows stopped. She opened her eyes and she sees Olivia looming over her, admiring her work. "...HAHA! pathetic, you look so pitiful that I almost want to stop. But how unlucky of you that you talked to Ryan so I have no regrets of beating you. In fact I think I'll call my girlfriends to get in on this. You should be grateful to get such a beautiful makeover." She laughs maniacally and pulls out her phone to call her friends. I was too weak to say anything. I started coughing and I caught sight of red. Blood. The bitch beat me so hard that I am coughing up blood, god dammit. I come back to reality and olivia is yelling into her phone. "... WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WON'T COME?!....SO WHAT IF IT'S NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO SHE DESERVES IT!....SHE TALKED TO RYAN!....MY REASONS ARE COMPLETELY LOGICAL AND MY LOGIC SCREAMS THAT SHE IS TO DIE!...DON'T.YOU.DARE HANG UP ON ME YOU-" Olivia pulls away angrily while biting her lip. She looks at me insanely. "Well I don't need those bitches anyways, I can still kill you without them." I felt like I was going to piss my pants. She is dead serious! I-I need to get away now! My stoic face fell as I tried to get away. I feel a foot plant on my back like an unwanted parasite. " Tut tut~. You're not getting away~!" She singsonged. Then I felt something cold tear through my back. I let out a scream of agony as she  laughs. "Yes yes! keep screaming. I want to keep this video memorable, and when the time is ripe, I will show Ryan and we will laugh together on end, and he will notice me and we will make love!" She laughs as she twists the knife in my back. I stifle a scream, trying not to please her any further. "Oh~? What's wrong? Do you need some water because if your mouth is dry, then that can't be good, I need you to produce lots, and lots, and LOTS of screams to make Ryan notice me." Olivia says as she stabs me. She is a fucking yandere! After who know how long, (Author-sempai: I know how long! Cassie:nobody cares and shut up and get on with the story. Author sempai: meanie T_T) Olivia stops the stabbing. "Hmph, you are not cooperating. I can't show this video to Ryan, there isn't enough screams. Oh well I'm just going to leave you here to bleed to death." She laughs as she walks away. I cough up blood as I drift off to a slumber where there are no worries. Finally, now I can slee-. My phone, that somehow was there in my face, was ringing. It was my brother, Eric. No, I can't die yet, I have to get home to my brother! My parents have died in a fire, leaving my brother taking care of me. He done so much for me just to take care of me, I am not going to let those efforts go to waste! A white light covers me like a snuggie and my body becomes transparent , how does that even happen!? NO! Then everything went black.

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