Chapter 12

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*First Person pov*

After the Hyuuga incident, I started wandering around the village, bored out of my mind. Gawd, I am so bored. Maybe I could go train, but I don't have my rucksack with me... I keep walking and feel something sniff my foot. I freeze and look down. And I see an ball of white fur. "Arf!" the puppy let out the most adorable bark ever. Don't. Let. My. Inner. Fangirl. Go. "Hello, where did you come from?" I pick Akamaru up and he barks some more. "Where is your ow- AGHH" Akamaru started peeing and I quickly turned Akamaru around so the spray didn't hit me. "You done?" I ask him. He barks and I turn him back around. "Hey, aren't you the dog of one of my classmates?" He barks in confirmation. "Where is he?" just when I said that hear a voice. "AKAMARU!!" I look to the direction that the voice came from. Akamaru jumps from my arms and runs to Kiba barking adorably. "Akamaru where were you? I was worried. Don't ever do that again." Akamaru licks Kiba and Kiba giggles. "S-stop Akamaru! It tickles!" Kiba calms down and looks at me. "Hey, when did you get here new kid?" I sweat drop. I've been here this whole time... "I have been here this whole time. I was the one who found... Akamaru? Is that his name?" Kiba nods. "Yeah, that's his name. My partner." I smile. "He's cute. OH! I almost forgot. My name is Ciel Heartfilia since you forgot, what's yours?" Kiba points his thumb at himself. "The name's Kiba Inuzuka. And this is Akamaru." Akamaru barks at the mention of his name. "Nice ta meet 'cha. What are you doing out here?" I ask Kiba. "Just shopping for weapons. My mom kicked me out because I was training inside. I kinda wrecked the place." He said rubbing his head. "What are you doing?" I shrugged. "I got nothing to do. I don't know the village very well so I am kinda lost. And I really need ninja gear." I say. Kiba grins. "Why don't you come with me? While we shop for gear, I can show you around." I grin. "Sounds like a plan." Me and Kiba started to head to a store. "So, Inuzuka, huh? Like a dog? It fits ya, you are like a dog and smell like one. And friendly as one and love dogs too." Kiba sweat drops. "Is that an compliment or an insult?" I smile at him. "Both, I guess?" He looks at me funny. "You are a weirdo, you know that?" I laugh. "And proud." I add. "But what kind of weirdo? There is a good kind of weirdo and a bad kind of weirdo. The good kind of weirdo is Shino. He is quiet and passionate about bugs and seems like a weirdo at first sight, but once you get to know him, he is a cool guy. But a bad kind of weirdo sniffs sugar. You get me?" We walk into the store. "I guess you are the good kind of weirdo." I pick up some kunais. "Right back at 'cha." Kiba looks at the Kunai I was holding and shakes his head. "No, you shouldn't get that kunai. Those break easily." I look at him. "Really? They all look the same to me...." I trail off. "Here." He hands me a kunai and I feel the weight difference. "These are better. The kunai you picked out is too sharp. If the kunai is too sharp, the kunai will chip off. It has to be sharp that you can touch and not bleed. That way, it will stick easily when you throw it." I nod in understanding and hand him back the kunai. "So ones like these?" I show him a kunai I picked out. "No, those won't do. They aren't balanced. You see all the weight is almost near the hilt. It needs to be farther up in order to make it fly faster and further." I nod and searched for a kunai that had all the details that Kiba described. "What about this?" I hold out a kunai. "Yeah! That will do!" Kiba says. Akamaru barks along with him. We go to the register. "Wise choice, young man." the old man said behind the counter. "That will be 200 ryo." I nod and pay the man. Kiba pays for his kunais and we leave. "Come back again!" The old man shouts as we leave. We head to the next store that has the 'best shuriken', as Kiba says. "I tell ya, this place makes the best shurikens." I wave him off. "I believe ya, I believe ya, but I need to see for myself." Kiba sighs. "You'll see." Kiba says and Akamaru barks. We walk in and were greeted by a metallic smell. "Welcome back Kiba, back for more shurikens?" Kiba nods. "Yeah, mom needs more shurikens." the store owner nods. "On the double." the store owner replies. "Also, who is your friend?" He points to me. Its rude to point... "This is Ciel Heartfilia. He needs some shurikens too." He nods. "Since this is your first time here Ciel, you can have the shurikens at half price." I bow. "Thank you." He smiles. "No need to thank me, any friend of Kiba's is mine as well. Now, both of your shurikens will be here and ready tomorrow at 5. See you again Kiba, Ciel" we nod and we head to the next shop to buy pouches for me. I look at all the pouches and finally settled on a dark green shuriken pouch and gray hip pouch. We continued to go to stores until I got everything I need to become a ninja. "Thank you Kiba, if it weren't for you I will still be getting the wrong stuff." I thank him. "No need for thanks, but I gotta go. I was supposed to be home about 3 hours ago." He rubs his head in embarrassment and Akamaru barks and leaps into my arms and starts licking me. "S-stop A-Akamaru! A-Ah it tickles!" I giggle. I hand back Akamaru to Kiba and we say our goodbyes. I head back to my apartment to sleep.

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