Chapter 75

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*First person pov*

Well, shit. I have been walking in circles, I swear. Everytime I make different turns, it STILL lead me to the same place, a flower shop. I can't find this fucking dango shop, I should have asked Anko directly after the prelim - "Hey." I turn to Gaara. "Huh? Oh psh, I am not lost, I don't know what you're talking about." I say real quick, not wanting to hear what he had to say because for sure he is going to ask me if I'm lost because I circled this damn flower shop 6 fucking times. He glares at me and we continue walking. After a few seconds, Gaara continues. "You're lost, aren't you." Gaara says. I freeze up. "...Yes... I just became a part of this village not too long ago, I don't know where this dango shop is that Keiko talks about." I say, ashamed. "Huh? Daddy could have just told Keiko and she will tell you." Keiko says. I whip my head at her, who was flying. "Why didn't you tell me!?" I yell. "Because Daddy didn't ask Keiko." Keiko plainly states. She is becoming like me. I sigh. "Lead the way, Keiko." I say. She nods and leads the way, happily. I walk next to Gaara. "So, I've been wondering, what is the village of sand like?" I ask him. He stays silent. So I continue. "I would have imagined that it's hot and full of sand, right? It would be paradise for you, there is sand everywhere and sand is your jutsu! You could just defeat your foes right then and there at that place! Come to think of it, my village is the village hidden in the leaves, right? I wouldn't be surprised if there was a guy like you, except he controls leaves! Haha!" I laugh at my stupid joke, and I look over at Gaara. He was still silent. New Mission: Make Gaara talk. I notice the music shop that I visited the other day and I run over to it. "Keiko! Gaara! Can we stop here for a second?" I ask them. Keiko nods her head and Gaara just walks in. I walk in as well, holding the door for Keiko since she can't open doors. "Oh, you're back! What can I do for you today?" The owner asks me. "If you don't mind, I just want to play one of the violins. I want my new friend to hear me play the violin as well as my... er... daughter." I explain to him. He nods. "That's fine, you are always welcome to play. But, uh, aren't you a little too young to have a daughter?" The owner asks. I realized what he was implying and I almost fell over. "N-No! She is not my real daughter, she hatched from an egg and I call her my daughter, see look!" I say as I hold her up. The owner nods and went about his business. I turn back to Gaara. "Well, let's get started!" I say as I pick up a random violin that was lying out. I started playing (Insert violin song). I finish playing and Keiko was clapping enthusiastically. "Daddy's amazing! Keiko wants to know what the thing is! She heard it twice before when she was in the egg!" Keiko says. I chuckle. "It's a violin, an instrument. If you like it so much, I can play for you at home, ok?" I ask her. She smiles brightly and nods very fast. I turn to Gaara, with a fake sad face on. "No comment whatsoever? Not even a good job? Wow, savage, Gaara, savage." I say. He widens his eyes and blushes a little and looked away. "Uh, I guess you're good." Gaara says. I try to make myself even more upset. "What do you mean 'I guess'? Am I really that bad?" I say turning away with fake tears in my eyes. Gaara's eyes widen. "No I mean, yes, you're good." Gaara clears up. I turn around suddenly, surprising Gaara, and wiping away my tears and act like nothing happened. "Yay! Gaara said I was good! Well, I am going to play one more song if you don't mind!" I say. Gaara just held an unreadable expression on his face so I continue to play. I was about to play, but a great idea popped in my head. I set the violin down and made a kage bunshin. What? I watch Naruto do it all the time, it's not like I won't pick up on it. My clone picks up a violin and I pick up one as well. We started to play a duet (Video above, pretend all the other instruments aren't there). I finish playing as well as my clone. I notice clapping that wasn't supposed to be there. I look up and Keiko and the people walking by and stopping to listen. Minus Gaara, he just can't clap. I blush and I bow with my clone. A few people walked in and started looking around the store. The owner walked up to me. "Hey, thanks. Thanks to you, maybe people will buy something from my store, inspired by your music. It's hard to get customers these days that are interested in music." The owner says to me and starts helping the customers so they can get what they need. I turn to Gaara and Keiko. "We should be getting to the dango store, we have been here long enough. Unless, you guys want to skip the dango and listen to my music." I suggest. Keiko shakes her head fast. "No! I want dango!" Keiko yells, childishly. "Well, that depends if Gaara wants to stay here. I vote staying here." I say as I raise my hand. "And who votes for dango?" I ask and Keiko and Gaara raises their hands. I sigh. "Fiiiiiine. Let's go get some dango." I say as I walk out the store. As I do, a stampede of Narutos come down the street. I nearly got stomped to death, if I hadn't dodged. Now I think about it, I did some really weird poses to dodge. When the stampede cleared up, I was lying on the floor from exhaustion, and Keiko was struggling to laugh. Gaara had a questioning face. I sigh. "And that's my teammate." I say as get up and brush myself up. "Well then, let's get going." I say as I walk. "Daddy, you're going the wrong way." Keiko says it's this way as she points and fly in that direction. I make a sharp turn around and speed walk in the direction Keiko was pointing. "Pffffft, I knew that." I say as I walk in the direction. Keiko speeds up and gets in front so she can lead the way and Gaara trails behind me.  

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